
Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Absolutely No Comments Please. [This is just a note to myself ]

Well, I found out something yesterday and today only re-enforced that little item. I really thought I could do it all and I was so fucking wrong. I can't stand for too long of a time yet. Before my surgery when my leg was hurting I was able to stand for at least 5 to 8 minutes at a time. That meant I could cook dinner and take a break and then come back and finish cooking. Now, I can only stand for 1 to maybe 3 minutes with a butt load of discomfort. I just got dinner started and barely could finish without crying. Dinner is still simmering on a very low flame, the puppies were fed and then let outside. I just let them back in again and they are both lying at the my one foot while I have my right knee resting on a pillow with an ice pack on it. I'm such a fucking idiot! I should have known better. I am in no way any better than when I left the hospital. I'm older and healing will take longer and I should have known that. I realize the error of my half-witted self. Tomorrow, I will stay in bed with my knee on pillows and relax. Just remember this in the future if it happens again, you dumb ass!


  1. Take it slow. Don't force pain on yourself. Spend time with you pups as they are your comfort.
    the Ol'Buzzard.

  2. I get told this all the fucking time..sigh* of these days I might actually slow down...but I doubt it.
