
Thursday, August 2, 2018

It's Thursday

Not much is happening today. I did practically everything except laundry yesterday. I went to the hospital and got pre-admitted so on Monday all I have to do is show up for the surgery. I also had an EKG and blood drawn. So I'm waiting for my doctor's office person to call me and let me know when to be at the hospital on Monday morning. So there's that.
Lucy is wondering what all the flurry around the house is all about. She has this sad look on her face and she's following me everywhere I go. Poor baby girl. Anywho, I got my hygiene bag ready with my brush and toothbrush and toothpaste and lotion for dry skin. I have my dress hanging on the door hanger of my closet for David to bring so I can go home. All that good stuff is ready. I made enough food to feed a military squad so David has something good to eat while I'm unable to cook. The house is clean. My plants will be watered thoroughly before I leave just in case he forgets to do it. I should be back home by either Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morning. I'm actually shooting for Tuesday night.  I know all the exercises I have to do and all the precautions so I'm really hoping my doctor will let me go home early. 
It was a pleasantly cool morning for once. I sat outside and read the news on my laptop. It was so quiet. You wouldn't know it but there are kids in our neighborhood. They just never come out to play. It's just too hot for them I guess. I remember my mom couldn't keep us in the house during summer no matter how hot it was. We went exploring and played all day outside until it was dinner time and then went outside again until it was dark. It's a sad sight when kids don't know how to be kids anymore. Very sad.


  1. "but but but the bad pedo people will take my kid!" the parent say. BULLDUNG!

  2. It’s a crazy world. Kids are inside on their devices. I wonder what it will be like in 25, 50, 100 years from now?

  3. Sending you wishes of serenity, painlessness and healing ! !!!

  4. You've been very productive and busy.
    I wish I had a little nurse like Lucy. I have Scooter and Lucky. Scooter demands to lay on my tummy and be loved on or take her naps. Lucky looks at me with his big ol saucer size eyes and jumps at the least little movements. He will eventually settle down and nap beside me. Brats, both of them.

    Yes, that is what we did as kids too. Slept like the dead because we were so tired from playing.

    Happy weekend.

  5. Good luck, hope everything goes well for you.
    Yes it's sad seeing all the empty playgrounds, what we would have done to spend one day in playgrounds like today, they are all fused to their phones and video games.

  6. Good luck with everything my friend! I know it will all go well!
    I agree with you, about the kids! Very sad!
    Big Hugs!
