
Monday, August 6, 2018

Monday - I survived, so far

Well, I'm doing pretty good for a saucy bitch in the hospital. This morning started out bad. We arrived 15 minutes early, which was good. I signed in, and David and I sat and waited. Now to let y'all know, I was early at 6:15. They told me to be at the hospital at 6:30 and they would call me back and my surgery was scheduled for 7:30. AHAHAAAHahahahaahahaaaahahahaa!! Yeah right. Finally 20 minutes later they called my name and we went into admitting because that is what they do. I got my name bracelet and then I had to sign paperwork that was not sent to the insurance because somebody at my doctor's office didn't do their job. We had to wait another 8 minutes for the insurance people to okay the paperwork that was supposed to have been signed and okayed last week. The admitting clerk finally told us that everything is good and to follow her to the other waiting room outside the pre-op department. We waited another hour before being called back. At 8 a.m., I was called into pre-op, answered all the usual questions and such. The nurse had trouble getting a vein for the IV. She had to call backup. The IV was in after 4 tries and meds and feel good drugs were administered. 
At around  9:45 or there bouts, the OR nurse wheeled me into the OR. The anesthesiologist tried to administer a block in my spine and missed twice. Finally hit the spinal column and all was good from there on in. I got out of the OR at around 12:50. They said I was humming Yellow Submarine before I went under and again when I came out of the best sleep I've had in years. The doctor said He only had to replace the plastic plate on the tibia and didn't have to put in a hinge. Now that, besides having my laptop and the view from my room are the only things that have happened to be good things today for me. 
So, I spent an hour in Post-OP and then they took me up to my room. I have a beautiful view of the southern horizon from my window with these humongous puffy clouds. Just beautiful. I have already had PT people come and get me out of bed and have me walk around. This was unheard of 3 years ago to have someone get out of bed the same day of knee or hip surgery and walk. But I did very well. I had a very nice large lunch and soup for dinner. I have been doing my smaller exercises in bed to get my muscles going which is good. The thing is I do these exercises every morning and again at night before bedtime at home to keep my leg muscles from seizing up and causing pain. I really want to get out of here as soon as possible. So, every little thing counts.
David went home and got my Laptop for me. I was bored shitless, to say the least. This morning I laid out my clothes to go home in and he brought them up to me in case I do come home early. He told me that Lucy is badly grief-stricken. She thinks I ran away from home or something. David says that she moped and whined the whole time that he was home for lunch. Poor baby is going to just die of happiness when I come home. Well, It's getting to be around 7:30, David left and I'm really tired. Shift change for the nurses is happening and I'll be getting my evening meds very soon now. I'm going to ask for something to help me sleep through my knee pain. Y'all have a nice evening. Good night.


  1. Yay! I am glad it went well. Hurry home.

  2. glad it wasn't as serious as the MD thought. now rest, get your (legal) drugs, exercise, walk as much as possible and your will be sprung from jail before you know it!

  3. I didn't expect to hear from you for a few days. Hospitals are so bad about being a lot later than they say. Geeze......

    Glad you are doing so good.

    Awwwww Lucy, mommy will be home soon.

  4. I hope you had a good nights sleep after all that! Poor little Lucy, she'll be so happy to have you home. I'm glad the op went well and hope you'll soon be home, take

  5. all great get outta there!

  6. Sleep! Magic isn't it? Many wishes and good thought for a whole and speedy recovery to you.

  7. We're pulling for you. You have a great attitude
    best wisher
    the Ol'Buzzard

  8. Excellent news!!! Lucy will be happy soon! Big Hugs!
