
Monday, August 13, 2018


I know, I know, I'm posting really late today. David was just home from work for lunch and he calls me every two hours to see if I'm still alive. Yes! Really! I can't even fart without getting a phone call about it. Personally, I think his laptop is on and it's picking up everything I do. When he came home for lunch just now. He saw me using my cane to get up and I realized he was upset. He wants me to keep using the walker but really, I can get around fine with the cane. So I better make him happy or he will be taking off more time to make sure I stick with the doctors orders. 
I'm having to wear the brace for six to eight weeks until I completely heal. Yesterday, I was sitting on the sofa with my leg on pillows and I noticed I was bleeding from the inscision. When I walk the brace buckles tend to slide down onto the knee from my thigh and cause irritation over the bandages. It might have pulled against the staples. I changed the bandage and everything was fine. I put a thick hand towel under the buckles. There is still some pain and  I'm on Tylanol-3. I didn't want the Hydrocodone that the doctor wanted to give me. I usually take it at night when my pain is the worse. I'm getting around pretty damned good. I have the treadmill for when I do my daily walking and I do my required exercises every morning and every evening. In reality I have graduated from the walker to my cane but I have to hide that for now. 
Lucy is my nurse again. she sleeps next to me at night and alerts David if I get out of bed. During the day she follows me around everywhere I go. When I'm on the treadmill walking she sits and waits for me to finish. She's a sweet baby girl. She really missed me something awful. If I start messing with my purse to look for something, her eyes get that worried look in them. Personally, while I was in the hospital, I think David traumatized her by telling her I ran away from home. What?! Yes! He does that sort of thing for laughs.


  1. great progress news! my spouse gets his left hip replaced this Wednesday.

  2. Glad you're doing so well! But I'm with David and the doctor -- walkers are so much more stable than a cane. Better safe than sorry at this point!

  3. argh. I have no idea why but whenever I type a comment here the screen resets and I lose it.

    I am with David and Debra. The walker is not to help you walk but to prevent a fall. Use it for a few more weeks and then you can be done with it. 😉

  4. Poor Lucy, he can't get mad if she bits him for saying things like that.

    I'm glad you are getting along so good. I'll jump on the bandwagon with David, Debra and Birdie. Use the walker. Be safe. YOU DO NOT NEED another fall.

    You took the trophy away from me for the woman with the most falls known to man. BE CAREFUL!!!!

  5. Use your walker girl! Take care of you!!! Big Hugs to you and Lucy!
