
Tuesday, September 25, 2018

It's Tuesday

I'm depressed and dreading my impending birthday in about 25 hours. I'll be 64 fucking years old. I'm OLD! I feel like I'm 16 inside, kid at heart and all. I dread getting old with all the wrinkles, aches, pains, forgetfulness, and whatever else comes with it. Sometimes I wish we could pick an age and stay that age inside and out for the rest of our lives but then, if you think about it, we would miss out on important lifes lessons. *Sigh*


  1. Age use to not bother me. But, since I've been trying to kill myself and everything is falling completely bothers me now. I feel the same way. I don't feel 60 which is what I will be in less than a month. My thing is don't let me lose my mind. That would be awful.

    The hubby says it bee's what it bee's. That's his philosophy for life I think...

  2. DARLING! I just turned 64 on 9/6! I feel 40 and think 40.

    "I dread getting old with all the wrinkles, aches, pains, forgetfulness, and whatever else comes with it." - I have wrinkles, aches, pains - FUCK IT! cancer damn near killed me at age 35. I enjoy LIVING! you can too! welcome to the club, girlfriend!

  3. Hey, you...I will soon be 70 fucking years old! So be nice! Tip: stand back from the mirror, you can’t even see those lines!

  4. Happy b-day! Another tip: only look in the mirror with your glasses OFF. The wrinkles don't show!

  5. oh but look at how wise we are! haha...i'd trade it in a heartbeat! happy birthday to you!

  6. I say if you are above ground you need to make the best of if. My mom retired in October, was diagnosed with cancer in a February and died 4 months after she turned 65. Embrace 64. 💕

  7. Life lessons, so true! I'm dying to tell everyone my age! LOL!
    64 is young!!! You keep going girl!! Happy Birthday! Many Blessings! Big Hugs!
