
Friday, September 7, 2018

Rants and Raves

Sorry for posting so late, I was having blood drawn for my doctor appointment on Tuesday. I will be out most of the day on Tuesday so I'm letting all y'all know that now. 
Thank the Goddess I have A/C because the humidity is a killer outside. When I went out the door I thought I was under water. It's only about 20 steps give or take to the car from the house but by the time I got into the car I was sweating like a pig. I drove to the place I get my blood drawn and got out of the car and nearly swam to the lab. 
I had to wait for about 10 minutes while they processed the paperwork of a few patients ahead of me. While I waited, this one kid about 17 years old from the looks of him was talking to his sister. She said something about a mortician and the kid asked one of the dumbest questions  I have ever heard in my life. What's a mortician? She said it's an undertaker and he asked whats an undertaker? I almost fell out of my chair. What rock did this kid crawl out under from? I mean, has he ever gone to school? Does he pay attention? It made me wonder just how stupid today's kids really are. Really, I wondered do they know just what they learn from books or do they learn from life? When I was in school, there was a class everyone had to take and it was Life 101. We learned how to fill out job applications and make a resume, how to do your own income taxes, how to do your own laundry, how to care for a baby, how to write a check and keep a bank book, how to write different types of letters to people or corporations. There were other fun things like how to buy stocks and bonds and how the stock market works. There were so many things in that class that I learned that I would have slowly learned from life. Schools need to have this class for every student while they are in the 9th grade so they will be ready for life as they progress through school and get a part-time job. I really feel sorry for anyone who never paid attention in class because you are in for a rude awakening in life.
Okay, I'm off my soapbox now. Sorry about all that. While I was getting dressed and ready this morning, Lucy was following me around. When I sat down to put on my leg brace she put her paws up on my knees and looked me in the eye like she was begging me to not leave. Poor little thing was so clingy and whiney the whole time I'm running around gathering up my purse and putting on my shoes and grabbing the car keys. When I got home and changed my clothes into a t-shirt and jeans she looked so happy. She was prancing all over the place. Right now she's sleeping next to me on the sofa. She's happy. I am too. I love that little girl.


  1. That is the sweetest picture of that baby girl.

    I've got one for you. Go to the hardware store to get a weed sprayer. The kid said they are on sale what size do you want. I said that depends on how much they weigh when they are filled. I said do you know how much a gallon of water weighs. HE SAID I guess it depends on how much upper body strength you have.......

    Well that was the dumbest crap I have ever heard. And said NO, how may pounds does a gallon of water weigh. He looked at me stoooopid. And, I said I'll tell you. I pulled my phone out and asked my buddy google.

    of course, the redneck husband already knew the answer basically 8 LB's.

    So I tell iggit, I can carry around 8 or 16 lbs and spray it down, but that 3 gallon sprayer is out. I cannot tote 24 lbs.

    You know he still didn't have a clue.

    Happy weekend.

  2. you should see the 2 30-somethings with whom I work. NO CLUE as to life 101! both of them talk/text to their mommies every day, or they ask one of us old farts how to do something. JFC!

    one of them just this year bought a house/got a dog/had a baby and his anxiety level is through the roof! combine that with a high pressure job and he's a basket case.

    he asked me the other day how I can remain calm despite my high-pressure job and sick spouse (mister hip replacement); suck it up, buttercup I told him; draw on my inner strength; and I have been through worse in my life.

    hope you are healing well with nurse lucy by your side.

    my spouse goes back to work on 9/17. he is using a cane for just a few hours and is going to outpatient physical therapy; no more people coming by the house.

  3. Recently heard of a young girl using her cell phone camera to take a picture of an abandoned pay phone. She couldn't believe it was a phone! My husband works with so any of the young people now and he should get an award for not killing anyone - he's worked at the company for over 25 years and worked every job there and needs to know how new equipment is run (when the pros leave and no one knows how to run it) and there is still someone, nearly everyday, that tries to tell him how something should be run. Every idea has been tried before, none of their ideas are original, but because they weren't there, they don't believe their idea won't work. There are hours wasted every month where someone is trying to prove something will work and either fails or the customer rejects the end result. We are in big trouble. Take care and hope for less pain in your future. Bless Lucy. Ranee (MN)

  4. I so enjoy your blog, adore your doggies esp. Lucy, what a sweetheart...I so agree with you about the young people..When I worked they were always late, tried to beg money from me the day they got paid, were on the phones all the time, I never used the phones for personal business went to a pay phone or at the VA the top fellow of the whole damn place let me use the phone to call my hubs if they needed me to work later, I worked intake at the emergency room and it was always short staff and busy as could be..Our only is nearly 41 at the end of the year, she works like hell, saves like hell and loves to garden, not much in NYC but home she loves to garden..She never asks us for one damn dime, she tries to spoil us I say no keep your money just come home so we can spoil and be with you..Most kids today will be living with their parents until 60~ Oh my goodness sakes alive, the course you took was required at the high school our daughter graduated everyone had to take it and our only told us most had no clue to how to cook, sew a button on anything, laundry and checkbooks, I lost my Mom young and made sure she learned a lot before she was in high school, she loved being able to be independent and we did help a lot to pay for 4 years of university whereby she got the second term a huge funded scholarship, she still worked though and never got the money until she was 30 the president of the university said you will not see her on this earth if you give it to her now..she worked and we paid and she graduated..She is happy and healthy and wonderful..Kiss that miss lucy for me I think she is adorable and I am praying you are well soon..ciao~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  5. I agree with you, with the younger generation! It's scary!
    I hope the humidity is gone for you!
    Give Lucy a hug from me! Big Hugs!

  6. We have finally cooled off here in Maine. Winter is coming - and so is the new season of Game of Thrones.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  7. we got's high of 80's..thank you Jesus..sarcasm.
