
Thursday, September 20, 2018


As my bother would say, "it be dark outside and shit." Yeah, we have rain again. A 60% chance as it slides up from the coast. It's raining right now. We already set a record for the most rain for September. We usually don't get rain until November Or December. It will be raining every day until either next Wednesday or Thursday say the weather people. I don't care if I'm hurting it's great to have this rain any day in the fall. 
Speaking of fall. The first day of fall is this Saturday. I'll be decorating the house that day, Goddess willing and my back don't kill me. David is going to haul the decorations out for me on Friday. I'll have to revamp the front door wreath. It's pretty tired looking, I'm sure. I found a small place here in town that sells year-round decorations for all the different seasons. It's a bit pricey but it's worth it because the quality is really above par.
Lucy is still sleeping on my bed. As you can see from the picture above that I took a few minutes ago, she likes to sleep on her back. Yes, she sleeps with her eyes half open sometimes. It's freaking weird but hey, she's my kid in a furry onesie. Anywho, she barged into the bedroom bright and early around 4a.m., banging the door open and jumping on my sleeping ass. David came into the room laughing. She fell asleep and didn't want to wake up when I finally wanted to get up. She is happily dreaming of chasing squirrels and cats right now. She will bound out of bed when lunchtime comes around or David will go in there and roust her out. Yeah, I know. She has such a hard life.


  1. We need rain again. I don't decorate outside unless we have a party. Which we have not had in a long, long time. After we built the house, we had some for our dance group. Some others for our horse friends. Now, we are just hermits.

    Lucy that is a lot weird sleeping like that. It would make me shake you to be sure you are okay.

    Have a good one.

  2. So Texas is where all the orcas have gone from the coast of BC? We were wondering . . . .

  3. you have whales in the streets in TX? I thought that was just ted cruz! :)

  4. Enjoy the rain and the decorating! Big Hugs to Lucy!
