
Saturday, October 27, 2018

I'm back...

This forest fire is brought to you by... oh sorry, it's a birthday cake. Happy Birthday, bro!! Yes, today is my brother's birthday. from the looks of that cake, it's the appropriate size fire too. You're what, 62 now? DAYUM you're old as fuck dude. Anywho, Happy Birthday Rick and many more.

I'm back, in case you missed yesterdays post. The wet weather and the cold was playin havoc with my arthritis in my back and hands so I had to quit posting for a while until it cleared up a bit. I'm doing much better and thank you, everyone, for the well wishes. This morning David and I are going voting and then shopping and then David is going over to Selma go get the flooring that I picked out at Lumber Liquidators and I'm guessing he will be putting it in the kitchen one of these weekends. First things first, I will have to paint. I picked out a pretty sunshine yellow for the walls.
Well, David is nagging me to hurry it up here so we can go vote. They open at 7am. Y'all play nice and have a magical day.


  1. thank you for voting! and glad you're back!

  2. Thank you for voting. I can't wait to cast my vote. Tell me about the arthritis in back and hands. Same thing here. Never know what I'm going to wake up to. Part of my back pain is my own darn fault. Hate depending on others for help so this 71 year old decided to move a bookcase filled with books by herself. Felt a pop. Hamstring pull and disc on the other side. Now it even hurts to sit.

  3. Hmmm, let me guess who you're voting for and not voting for . . . . LOL!

  4. Happy voting and happy painting. I'm in process on our own kitchen update. Glad you are feeling better too.

  5. painting the kitchen and putting down the rest of the flooring is on my list too...........
    glad you feel better.

  6. Good for you voting!!! I'm so happy you are feeling better! Big Hugs!
