
Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Throwaway Society

I was reading about our throwaway society on the Ol' Buzzard's blog. Case in point, we now have washing machines that cost more to fix than what we paid to buy it and what really gets me mad is that they don't even clean the clothes. So society makes up for it by making more crap to put into the wash load to make your dirty clothes smell really nice so you don't notice the filth that you are wearing. 
They say they are energy and water saving blah blah blah. Really? I end up having to wash clothes twice just to get them smelling good and to make sure they are clean. How I long for a washer with a real agitator in the basket that moves the clothes around and actually gets them clean the first time around. A washer that doesn't have a stupid motherboard in the controls that goes out when it feels like it and costing from $400 to $600 to replace YES! REPLACE! Just so the washer will work for a few more months before it breaks down again. 
It sucks to own one of these new fangled washers. They don't work and they are all pure expensive trash. What I wouldn't give to have an old washer from the 1970's. One that lasted 15 to 20 years like the old washer I had. I wished David didn't get rid of it. It's just a sad world we live in.


  1. Our last fridge gave out after 6 years. Instead of buying new we just bought an basic second hand one. It’s works perfectly.

  2. I'm sorry to hear that your new washer is not an improvement over what you had. That sux.

  3. Check out Speed Queen washers. I have a super capacity one with a regular old fashioned agitator and I love it. Also made in the USA.

  4. Totally agree! Everything is made to be replaced as soon as the latest models comes around. Ugh.

  5. We paid high dollar for our appliances when we built our house. They were the only splurge. We went with Viking. The refridgerator blew out the mother board at least 3 times when under warranty. It finally went out again and they "updated" the board with a new type out of warranty because it had died so many time. The tech said it was an update not a recall because Viking doesn't do recalls.

    The electric stove had the burner controls working the wrong burners
    the gas stove came in with the stainless steel trim piece dented
    the microwave (a $600 Viking) blew up after 3 months and was broken for 6 until they got a part for it

    the hinges on the doors had to be adjusted at least 6 times

    It doesn't pay to want or pay for high dollar nice things because they can be crap too.........

  6. And then there are the latest cell phone - nothing wrong with the old but we have to have the newest: Mayfair has just what you need.....
    The idea of impermanence is now seeded in the DNA of the young.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  7. I agree with you totally! I know when we moved into this house we live in, for 18 years now, my mom wishes she brought her old washing machine. The desk I use for my computer and to paint, I've had since I've been 13 years old. There is no reason to get rid of it.
    (Thanks for telling me about your water bed! That sounds amazing!! I hate to admit it, but I've had the same bed, since I've been 18! I really don't like throwing anything out, unless I have too! LOL!)
    Big Hugs!
