
Monday, November 26, 2018

Monday, I Hate You

I trust everyone had a nice Thanksgiving? We certainly did. David and I have made a pact to go to The Honey Baked Ham Store for all our holiday ham, turkey and goodies from now on. The ham we bought was out of this world. It was a small regular sliced, not spiral sliced ham and the taste was awesome. I know they are expensive but hey, they do all the work for you. They bake it with honey and then slice it evenly so you don't have to fight with it and then pack it in a heavy foil wrapper so all you have to do is reheat it when you're ready. You can even dress it with pineapples and cherries like I did. I froze some of the ham two slices per bag for sandwiches for later and that has worked out great too. David said no more hunting for a frozen fatty ham at the grocery store from now on. Not as long as these guys are in business. One more thing, since my flares have been coming and going and not knowing how bad I'm going to feel during the holidays, having everything all done for me like baking and slicing and all was a great relief for because I was really not doing so great over the holiday this time. They saved my biscuits and I'm grateful for that. Okay, enough said of that.
David almost finished the kitchen this week. He was off of work because of the holiday shutdown at the plant. He will also be off two weeks for Christmas and New Years. He had a butt load of repair work on the kitchen floor and then the new sink he installed the weekend before started leaking so he had to fix that. Now to finish all the kitchen off he has to go buy the baseboards. Also, he has to put the door frames on. He also has to install the floor edging on the thresholds of the doorways. At least I have my new floor and yes, I christened it this morning with a coffee spill. Really the floor looks awesome. 


  1. man, all of that happening at the same time is a bummer. I'm sorry you felt so bad.

    Getting your ham and turkey cooked sounds like a really good idea.

    take care,

  2. Could you fly David over? Our kitchen needs finishing and my husband is useless.

  3. Mmmm, that ham sounds so super delicious! I'm a big believer in convenience myself. It's worth every penny.

  4. The ham sounds so good! So happy you had a great Thanksgiving!
    Please take care of yourself! Big Hugs!

  5. Carpentry, for a man, is not work. It is our form of creation art.
    the Ol'Buzzard
