
Friday, December 21, 2018

First Responder Friday


  1. It's a sweaty hot job -- they need to cool off!

    1. I remember when my sister was the manager for a smoke shop. Whenever a certain engine company would rush by on their way to put out a fire or help save someone's life, they would blast their horns twice to let her know they would be by later. Sure enough they would have a big ol' red ladder truck parked next to her tiny tobacco shop and they would all be inside smoking cigars. Not the cheap brands either. Firemen are really as hawt too.

  2. Stephen King ruined clowns. Now Ice Cream trucks... have you seen or read Mr. Mercedes?
    the Ol'Buzzard

    1. Let's just say that King has ruined SO MANY things in my life with his stories. I read Mr. Mercedes when it came out in I think it was 2015. Not sure when but I remember being stuck half the time while I was stuck either in bed or on the sofa because of my knees.
