
Monday, December 17, 2018

Quick Note and Something You Must See

Good Morning Y'all!!
It's been a grand weekend for David and me even though I was and still am in a shit load of pain, but what the hell. I have a doctor's appointment in one hour so I have to go get a shower and get ready. I will talk to all y'all tomorrow.
Anywho, I have something for all y'all to watch. Some of you don't believe in this Global Warming shit, I know, and I really feel sorry for your stupidity, but this snippet of a documentary called "Chasing Ice" is something I want all y'all to have a looky see. It's something awesome to watch. I know, I know, it's an old documentary, hell, I saw it back in 2013 or 14 on the National Geographic channel but this is something y'all need to see. It will wake your dumb carbon footprinting asses up and let you see just what we have done to our own planet. So please look at this quick video and if this doesn't scare the fuck out of you or make you worry just a little into changing the way you live then I pity you.


  1. Wow. A scary event.

    Good luck at the doctor's office. Hope they can give you some relief.

  2. Incredible isn't it? I totally love your lack of political correctness with the comment "I really feel sorry for your stupidity!" You rock.

  3. Leeanna! Just use those same 2 cat memes for Wet Cat Wednesday! It just shows that great minds think alike and that we probably stole them from the same place, my sister in crime!

  4. Holy shit! That video is scary! Wow!! Thanks for showing us! I hope you're not in pain anymore!! Big Hugs!
