
Monday, January 28, 2019

It's Monday and She's a Slut

I'm sitting on the sofa drinking my coffee with Lucy, who is sleeping under her blanket. She's very close to my leg so that if I get up she will too. I made coffee when I woke up and while I was waiting, I gathered up all the empty candle jars that have been collecting around the house. I decided to boil water too. I'm poured the boiling water into the nearly empty jars to loosen the wax and then I'll clean them up and use them for herb jars. They are perfect for an herb jar collection. Right now I keep my fresh herbs in plastic ziplock baggies. Storing them in the clean repurposed candle jars is perfect. I'll be able to put all my fresh herbs from my garden in them and not have to buy any over the winter like I do now. So much goes to waste because we don't have a winter greenhouse yet for my herbs, peppers, and veggies. We wouldn't have to buy so much if we had one. Well, that's my excuse for a winter greenhouse that I keep telling David to build. **deep sigh** 
I had an appointment with my pain doctor's Nurse Practitioner on Friday last week. I really like her. She's working well with me and helping me out. During the time we were talking a front was on its way through the area and I was feeling quite bad. I only took 4 drops of my CBD oil and it wasn't cutting my pain. I should have taken at least 10 drops. She was able to see what I go through. She was so sympathetic, so nice. She noticed I wasn't taking anything for my pain and I told her about the CBD oil that I had been using. I told her the dosage and how much I was actually using which is 10 drops in the morning and 10 before bedtime. I said this seems to be working. I also told her the side effects both minor and major that comes with it. I called them party favors. One that I didn't think would be so bad but was, was the stomach cramping. It hurts really bad like you have to crap constantly but you don't and some of the cramps feel like your intestines are going to rip open. I know that's something nasty to talk about but if someone wants to try this shit then you have to read up on it and be aware of the side effects. My NP didn't order a prescription of my usual hydrocodone, instead said if the oil doesn't work out to give her a call and she will call in a prescription for me on the spot. 
The great thing is that I don't feel those stomach pains anymore. The second great thing is with the 10 drops a day dosage, it's starting to work. I read that this has to build in the system for it to work properly. The oil also works faster if you take it on an empty stomach. I'm getting used to the icky taste too. I'm still looking for other dealers who are reputable and offer Hemp oil not CBD with THC in it. There are so many out there trying to make a fast buck with inferior products. David is setting up a "care package" with the nurse at work. She has a CBD Hemp Oil dealer that will work with her so if this works out, then we might be expecting Hemp oil, topical creams etc in the mail soon. Her dealer doesn't normally do this but is willing because I am trying different avenues of Hemp oil.
Over the weekend I noticed I was able to do more than I usually do. Gardening, cleaning house, laundry, and one of the hardest things was giving the puppies a bath. I accomplished all of these over the weekend. David wasn't happy this past weekend because I was on his ass about yard work like I used to do. Today I have nothing to do. I'm bored. I don't even feel the cold front approaching like I naturally would. It will be hitting us around 8pm tonight. Usually, I'm writhing in pain in bed by now but it's as if I hardly notice it at all. It's pretty nice. I do know that tonight I will have to take a couple of Tylenol to stop the worst of the arthritis pain tonight before 7pm but that's about it. 
Lucy looks like a baby seal when she's scared.
Also over the weekend, Lucy noticed that I was doing quite a lot too. She is such a worry wart. But hey, her job as my nurse is over. David kept asking her why she was looking so scared and shaking all the time and why she was following me so closely. Well, it was because mommy didn't normally do all the shit she was doing. Lucy was scared shitless. She was worried I would pass out from my pain if I had any. It felt great doing some of the things around here I used to do without worry. I did have to still sit down with the heating pad because I'm not 100% yet. Personally, I never will be but it sure feels nice to do stuff again.


  1. I'm glad the oil seems to be working better. But, still don't go and over do it.

  2. well, a spot o good news! glad the oil is working for you!

  3. Things are looking up -- that's great! Long may it continue!

  4. We can get CBD oil at our local whole foods coop. Glad it is working for you.

  5. I am so happy things are working good for you. I was telling my mom about your affects and she doesn't understand why you are being affected by the oil the way you are? She even asked her doctor and he has never had anyone like that before either? I'm just happy it's working for you! Give Lucy a hug from me!
