
Monday, January 7, 2019

Just The Usual Shit

I'm moving really slow and I'm a bit short of temper today. I'm going through too much pain lately so bear with me, please. My meds are not working because my pain in my back and my muscles and joints are worse than the medication can handle.  If y'all notice that my temper is showing through, It's really my pain. 

First thing I did as I do every morning was drag my ass into the shower. I must loosen up each and every joint and muscle before I start my exercises and this helps. Hot water is wonderful. I had the shower door opened about a few inches, it's a sliding door shower, floor to ceiling and I caught Lucy keeping an eye on me as she always does. She has to watch her mommy just in case something happens like when I slipped and fell in the kitchen last April. She knew something was wrong then, so now she just watches me closely until I stop walking around the house and sit on the sofa to watch something on Netflix or type on the computer. Then she stays with me until I get up. She is my keeper. But I am very good now at taking my phone with me everywhere I go.
Today we have cloudy skies and rain after what were a few really beautiful days. I felt there was going to be a change on Friday when I couldn't get out of bed. It was like I was paralyzed because at first, I couldn't move very well at all. I was hurting with every stretch in my morning routine. I hate doing my morning stretch and exercises but without them, I couldn't get around or do anything at all. Anywho, the sun is shining today and it will be in the high 70's. Perfect for working in the garden or around the house.  
David went back to work on Wednesday last week after the holiday shut down at the plant. During the time off, he worked on the kitchen again. I guess you can call it a remodel but all he did on his time off from work during holidays last year was take out the ceiling fan and lights under the cabinets and install recessed lighting in the ceiling, painted the ceiling, walls, and cabinets. He took the old cabinet fronts off, sanded off the crappy decoration that was on them since Goddess knows when; I think it was the 1950's actually. He repainted and sanded the cabinet fronts three times and the last paint job on the cabinet fronts was a clear coat to protect them. They're slicker than owl shit to the touch. This past Yule and New Years time off he almost finished with the trim in the kitchen. Just a few more trim pieces and a paint touch up here and there and the kitchen redo is done, sans the countertops. We are on a shoestring or is that an old folks budget, either one is correct. No countertops this year though. We don't like to be in debt more than $2000. So when we get the money together, we will go to his toy store, Home Desperate, and order the countertop and have it installed professionally. That thing will NOT be marble that's for sure. I hate marble because it has pits in it. Too much of a chance for future cracks or breaks and it's unsanitary as hell.
Yesterday, Anna and her husband John came for a visit. They were in Europe for Christmas and New Years. They had a wonderful time and I'm so glad they did. Europe during the Christmas holidays turns into a storybook land. It's so romantic and just plain awesome to be there. The sights and sounds, as well as tastes, are unbelievable. If any of y'all ever get a chance to do it, go to Europe at Christmas time. It's a fairyland. 
I think y'all noticed I have begun mediation of all comments and I know some of y'all hate shit like that but it is necessary. I caught three spammers in just one week and I like the way this works. So have patience I will post your comments unless you are trying to post spam in order to get yourself on the blog to sell your shit. I like to be asked first through an email if you want to sell something on my blog. I will then investigate you. If you check out and fine and you are offering a really good product, then I will allow an official ad from you on my blog.
If you don't check out and I see you are just trying to make a fast buck with a bad product off my readers at their expense, you will be toast and I WILL REPORT YOU. That is not a threat, it's a promise.
Oops, there I go. My pain is showing through again. Sorry, that wasn't very cool. I need to go medicate again. All y'all have a wonderful magical day today.


  1. So sorry you are hurting that bad. Poor Lucy, she worries so much. I'm glad you are almost finished with the kitchen. I understand about things taking time to do.

    Hope you get to feeling better.

  2. Buy my shit! It's good shit!

    P.S. I hope your pain goes away soon!

    1. See what I mean about these spammers? They always want us to buy their shit. And it's not even nice shit.

    2. Debra, you always make me laugh! LOL!

  3. I'm glad you have Lucy to look after you.

    I've been getting a lot of spammers on my page lately, which has never happened before. of course, none of the spammers spam stuff of the high quality that Debra (above) does.

    1. How do you know if it's really high quality? You're just going to take her word for it?

  4. I can't breathe fire,but I can blow it out the other end with the assistance of a bic lighter

  5. Nobody cares about your hobbies, bro.

  6. Hope you are feelin’ better soon, I just would not be as tough as you through all that pain! We could elect a “ leader” with the intellect and color of an orange and yet have folks in pain, go figure.
    You are a bright spot in my day.

  7. Please take care of yourself! I truly hope your pain goes away soon!! I am so grateful Lucy is there for you! Big Hugs!
