
Thursday, January 24, 2019

Relief in a Bottle . . . We Will See

Okay, the CBD oil came in the mail Tuesday afternoon. Right on time too because there was another cold front scheduled to hit Tuesday night. I opened the package and checked for anything like a reasonably large enough print that someone without superhuman eyesight could read on the bottle. You would think that a company would print up a small piece of paper with reasonably normal sized print on how to use the product, like dosage and how to store it. I mean is it so hard for them to think about something like that? Stupid motherfuckers.
Anywho I had to guess how to dose myself. I started with 4 drops under the tongue, which tasted like I was chewing old grass from under my lawnmower. It was nasty and made me sick to my stomach. After that, I ate a half peanut butter and jam sandwich and went to sit down on the sofa with Lucy. It took about 3 minutes and then I noticed my pain in my back was subsiding rather quickly. It took another 2 minutes and it was almost all gone. So was the pain in my arms and neck. I got up and walked around for a bit and it was amazing. My pain was still there but it was like there was a shield up between it and my body. So I decided to try something. I didn't want to do anything too big yet so I made brownies. Just standing for 10 minutes would be a milestone for me.  I was able to stand 15 minutes without to much pain.  I decided to try baking something else, so I made some blondies too. Holy Fucking Shit!! I was in the kitchen for a whole hour, standing without debilitating pain. Well, it wasn't exactly pain-free because I could still feel some form of an ache but I can say that my legs didn't buckle under me.
I was a bit hesitant in going any further but I wanted to see just how far I could take this so I swept the kitchen floor then I mopped it.  I was a bit fatigued but I was able to do things that I have been wanting to do for days.
My pain didn't completely return until around right after dinner at 6:30pm. I estimate the 4 drops under my tongue lasted from somewhere around 2 to 6:30pm. That's roughly 4 1/2 hours of being nearly pain-free. I finally found a magnifying glass and found out that the dosage on the bottle is 20 drops. WTF!! The bottle would be gone in a couple of weeks.
Tuesday night was going to be my true test. Usually, right when a weather front is about to run through our area I feel it with such intensity, it's like being torn apart. It hurts to the point of nearly wanting to scream. So, when I say something is going to be a test it literally is.
Right before my shower, I took 10 drops and ate a saltine to stop the nausea feeling that I had the first time I tried the oil. I dripped 10 drops of the oil into a teaspoon and then into my mouth. Nasty taste. I took my shower and then took my regular bedtime meds which I really have to take for other reasons. I fell asleep at 9pm and woke up at around 10:30 in pain. The front was coming through. The 10 drops of oil didn't really cut it so I went to the kitchen and took 10 more drops of the oil. I waited and waited nothing was working. Finally a little after 11pm I started to get relief. By then the front had passed. I finally got back to sleep and slept except for Lucy waking me up so she could go pee outside. I slept almost 6 hours. But I'm guessing the oil was the only thing that helped me sleep. My pain somewhat disappeared after an hour.
Okay, so, yesterday, Wednesday I woke up and it took a while for me to realize my surroundings. Really, it did. I woke up in a fuzzy haze. My body felt like I weighed 600 lbs. It took a bit of energy that I didn't have just to get out of bed. I had no idea why I was feeling like this. If you have ever gone to bed drunk and woke up in a hungover stupor then you know what I'm talking about. I finally returned to normal, changed clothes and went to the kitchen to get breakfast. I decided I'd go for 10 drops and I was able to clean house and do 3 loads of laundry before I gave out. My pain was still there all the time, just not as intense as it usually is. It was masked by the CBD oil. The beast took hold of my body around 4 hours later. I sat with my heating pad for an hour and took 5 more drops during that time to get me through the evening of making dinner, cleaning up and surviving through to near bedtime at 9pm. I took 10 drops half an hour before bedtime. I slept through the night with minimal discomfort. I said minimal because the aches were still there.
This morning I woke up all hungover again and my pain was once again at a 6 to 8 level. I don't have to do much today except mending a few things in my sewing basket and clean up a little here and there due to David. Other than that, I won't be using the CBD oil until I need it and then dose myself before bedtime.
I will say this, now that I think back on Tuesday, it must have been a "wow factor" that made me feel pretty good after trying the first few drops of the oil. It's sort of like the placebo effect where you are hoping for something so badly to cure your pain that you make it work in your mind. It took a moment to realize this. But for anyone who is seeking pain relief with CBD, there are different levels and kinds of pain. Mine is usually a range of 6 to mostly a 9 on any given day and it's arthritis but mostly nerve pain from my MCTD. This also means that the weather and whatever I do during the day like heavy to light housework is a factor of my pain.
But let me get back to my point. This CBD oil is not for everyone. It works differently with different people and different types of pain. For me, it made my pain feel like it was a caged vicious animal waiting to get at me. I could still feel it but it was like behind a glass partition. The CBD oil brought my pain which was on the scale of 8 or 9 down to a 3 or 4. It made things manageable. I could do only certain things due to trial and error. I still get fatigued from the MCTD, so this oil doesn't work for everything. I can't say what it will do for someone else. You will have to go by trial and error. See what works for you if you want to try this.
In the meantime, I will be trying other brands of CBD oils, food items, and also topical creams. This will not include vaping. I will be keeping a record of my pain scale and CBD usage for the next six months to a year if necessary.  I want to see how this works for me long term. So - we will see.

**After Note: For anyone that wants more info, check out this website. 
I have found a wealth of information on this site. So check it out.


  1. I was hoping for better results. I guess some relief is better than a 6 to 9 all the time. I hope you can find a combination of things that will help bring it down to a 0.

    1. One day it will happen. It's just a matter of time. I'm wondering if oil with THC would be better. I'm thinking I'll most likely try both at some point.

  2. GREAT NEWS! here in PA, today is the first day of medical pot sales. ya gotta have a state-issued card to buy medical pot. but hey, it's a start.

  3. Well, it seems like a somewhat promising start. Too bad it tastes like hell. Maybe it could be masked in a cookie or in a cup of tea or something, providing that heat doesn't destroy its benefits.

  4. That is a problem. Heat does destroy it to a certain degree. I've tried it in my hot tea. Taste can't be masked either. My husband, David, found another online oil dealer through the company nurse where he works. She takes CBD and says that it works with coffee or tea and she feels much better. She suffers from arthritis in her hip. She has the CBD flavored with peppermint. She says there is no funky aftertaste. David says he will check it out the online site. She will bring some for me to try in a small bottle on Monday.

  5. Since your husband is getting info from the company nurse, do they know if the CBD will show up in a drug test? I have RA and Fibro and wanted to try it but I get drug tested at work and I definitely have to stay employed...LOL I keep getting conflicting answers, so was wondering what info you have. Thanks

    1. From what I understand there is CBD oil that is THC free. That means you can take that oil and it should NOT show up on a drug test. My husband said that they get drug tested too because they are a government contractor and they supply to Boeing, etc. So they do have surprise piss tests often without warning.
      I know the company nurse and I went to my husbands work place this morning. She showed me the bottle and offered me 5 drops this morning. I tried the oil she is taking and it tasted like peppermint. It was quite good. I'm not totally pain free just like with the oil I take at home but it does the same job. She is also doing homework on different online and local oil dealers and so far she says the company she is using from right now is great.
      I bid you good luck in finding relief because I know your pain, dear. Take your time looking, do your homework, thoroughly read everything there is to read. Also look on the internet about any CBD oil company. There is a wealth of information out there about drug tests on different oils, their contents and what they can and do and not do. Above all don't read the testaments of customers on the CBD oil websites. They are nothing but biased because there are people paid to write that shit for a living. Also, steer clear of They are somewhat biased too.

  6. Leanna,
    Thank you so much! There is so much info out there that it is hard to decide what to do. Like you I am still in research mode looking for answers. I wish you continued success in beating down your pain.

  7. I've been using CBD oil for over six months. I tried it for my severe chronic headaches. It didn't help at all, but I found that it helped my anxiety which had become debilitating. I still use it for the anxiety. Hope it helps you.

  8. My mom and brother told me that it tastes like olive oil? I know my mom and brother take the oil without THC in the day and at night, they take the one with the THC, to help for sleeping. It's all trial and error. You really have to keep trying and monitoring everything! Wishing you the very best! Big Hugs!
