
Monday, February 4, 2019

It's Monday

Boy, did I speak too soon. I'm going to have to keep the comment mediation on for a bit more as I look for a way short of bombing Mumbai's call girl ring offices. Just kidding. But it was a fleeting thought. I reported them to blogger for having a blog that promoted sex trafficking. That blog is gone but they are still on Blogger as a member with an "About Me" page and if you tap your mouse on the Mumbai Escorts name from the spam they put on the comments section of your blog you will get their "About Me" page. If you tap your mouse on any item on the listing of occupation, etc, that is highlighted, it goes to an escort page. I'm working on getting them shut down through Blogger. If you would like to help, please do. Just email me and I will give you the URL address and what to do. Maybe with enough people reporting them to Blogger, they won't be spamming us anymore. It's just a little ray of hope, so email me for the info.
On to better shit. David got the care package from another CBD oil dealer through the company nurse that I told y'all about. It has two different flavored CBD oils and creams to apply to pain areas. He will be bringing it home at lunchtime today. Otherwise, it's going to be a slow day for me. I did everything over the weekend because I felt great on Saturday and Y'all know when there is a window of opportunity (no pain), I take it and run with it. I really exhausted myself so I will be taking it easy for the next few days. Even though I'm on this CBD oil, I still have my bad days. They just vary by way of debilitation. Right now I'm on the sofa. That's as far as I plan to go for the next hour. I did overdo it a bit but I was feeling so damned good over the weekend. I think I cooked and baked everything within an inch of its life. I made enough premade meals for the whole week. Then I cleaned the whole house in between baking times. Not to mention I gave the puppies a bath and washed their bedding and blankets. It feels good to have everything done and a clean house even though I'm in pain. I'm happy about what I accomplished. It will last for a few days and when I'm feeling good again I'll land my ass in the hospital for doing all this all over again. What can I say? I'm a glutton for punishment.
Over the weekend I broke my old food processor so I had to order a new one. The one I had lasted for almost 7 years. That's amazing for me because most things I use every day don't last that long. I hate grating and chopping because it hurts my hands. So I had to resort to getting veggies chopped the old fashioned way. It took longer but it got done. I had to get David, he hates when I try to tell him how to chop things, especially onions and bell peppers. Anywho I ordered a new processor and it should be here in a few days. I can't wait to play with it. I also ordered new mixing bowls since David commandeered my old ones for use in his tool shed. He stole the biggest plastic mixing bowls I owned that I made cookie batter in just so he could mix some concrete for a small project. I nearly ended up a widow over the weekend. I wanted to kill him when I found out where they were. Even the neighbors heard me yelling. So, I will be expecting a new set of stainless steel nesting mixing bowls for the kitchen by the end of the weekend via David's handy dandy charge card. 
I need to let the puppies out and get to exercising my ass. So all y'all have a magical day. Don't forget to email me about that spam.


  1. husbands make me wanna holla! and scream! and murder!

  2. Using mixing bowls for preparing concrete! David is lucky to be alive.

    I just automatically delete any Mumbai Escorts comment that gets left on my blog. There's no stopping spammers, from what I can see.

  3. This was great reading! About the spam, make sure you classify them as ‘junk’. You can do that in the comments section. And of course report them. 😎😎
    I think I’ve seen the short service in other blogs. I’ll ask them to report it too.

  4. He used your mixing bowls? Seriously? That's what old buckets are for. Mumbai escorts had a marathon of spamming. I have no idea what to do other than delete.

  5. Concrete??? Crazy!!!
    I put my spammers in the spam section, then I delete. Usually when I do that, they don't come back? But, what you are doing sounds great and I hope it works!
    Don't over do yourself with the house work!!
    Big Hugs!
