
Monday, February 25, 2019

Oy! What A Weekend

I am sooooooo tired. I have a sinking feeling I'm going to be worse than tired before today is over. I moved all the frozen food items out of the little freezer into the new one and literally cleaned house. I've started my spring cleaning earlier than I usually do. I made a bulleted list of things that must be cleaned. The easiest, bathroom, living room and dining room were done over this weekend. I'm actually doing the spring cleaning according to how well I feel. Then I'll recoup and when I know I can do something else on the list I'll tackle that until I get the list done. 
Anywho, I took everything out of the bathroom linen closet and checked for mold or mildew and then wiped every surface down I washed all the towels and hand towels to make sure nothing was overlooked. I opened the overhead vent and took the shop vac to it. I think I cleaned that bathroom within an inch of its life. Then I tied up some a few small lavender posies and hung them in the linen closet. It smells so nice and clean in there now. Then I tackled the living room and dining room. So yeah, I'm tired and might be hurting very soon now. I know my back is starting to kill me as I write. So I'm sitting with my back wrapped in the heating pad.
David finally moved the old dead fridge out of the kitchen on Saturday after I bitched about it long enough. It nearly took all day because he wasn't thinking. The man cut the water line that was attached to the freezer door for the water dispenser. He cut it! There is a small cuplink that you unscrew at the bottom of the door for fuck's sake. He took the doors off and then proceeded to push the thing, leaking water, through my freshly cleaned dining room and living room and out the front door onto the front porch. Our old refrigerator is sitting on the front porch like a bunch of rednecks hillbillies from Tennesse live in this house. I feel like calling someone, I don't know who, to take it away. Just get it off my fucking front porch and out of my site before somebody calls the police to report us as an eyesore. It's so demeaning. Shit, I sound like some fucking stuck-up snobbish bitch. I'm really getting pissed at David lately. The yard is a mess. We have weeds everywhere. The roof needs to be cleaned off of dead leaves and he won't do anything. It's like I have to light a fucking atom bomb under his ass to get him going. Yesterday. I was furious with him about the yard and the fridge. He refused to budge. I'm getting to think he has gotten into a lazy winter stage he always gets into about this time of year. I hate when it happens. I can't get him to do anything. I'm living in the twilight zone.


  1. Maybe David should get his thyroid checked to see if some issue is causing him fatigue and listlessness?

  2. Men all over the word are the same
    I think it’s worse when you have one person who likes it near and tidy. Us.
    And another that just doesn’t see what needs doing. Them
    It does my head in. Breath rest and do what you can. That’s all we can do

  3. Women don't understand: Men have to think through a project before starting. When you are pushed to hurry you end up cutting water lines. I am sure Dave just needed more time to think through the project.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  4. Boy you have been busy cleaning girl! Your hubby better get doing his stuff or he's going to be out! LOL!
