
Monday, March 18, 2019

GAWD! Another Week Has Started

I'm running a bit late this morning because I had to go get my blood drawn for a fasting blood sugar among other things. I have a family doctor appointment coming up next week on Tuesday. The reason why I like to get my blood drawn early now is because the lab fucked up the last samples and said it was clotted. Yeah, the chemistry tube was clotted. That is the lamest excuse because the chem tube blood is supposed to be clotted. They lost my tube that's all there is to it. Idiot fuckers! 
Anywho, I made it home and got something to eat took my pills and now I have my coffee and I'm settled in. Over the weekend I had a hard time of it with aches and pains because of the long drive to San Marcos for my Lupus doctor. The pain has finally worn off and I feel better, even though I just drove to get blood work done. But that's only an 8-minute drive to the other side of town. I'm having minimal pain. Around a level 6 right now.
Saturday night during a painsomnia episode, I went into the living room and sat with the heating pad for half an hour and noticed the cushions on the couch and loveseat were dirty. So, I stripped the cushions off all the seats and backs, 10 in all, and sprayed them, front and back, with a stain fighter and put them all into the washer to sit until morning. Then I took 2 Tylenol with sleep-aid and went back to bed. Sunday morning I started the washer and washed everything. They were so clean and fresh smelling out of the dryer. Getting them back on the sponge cushions was a chore but it got all done. My energy was completely wasted from it that I took a shower and went straight to bed. I was just so tired all of a sudden. Usually, I don't get that tired. I hate Lupus. Today I'm going to tackle the kitchen and spray for bugs. I'm hoping to get everything done by the end of the week if I take it slow. Spring cleaning is such a bitch.


  1. what is this "spring cleaning" of which you speak?

  2. Anne marie, I was wondering the exact same thing!

  3. I live with MESSY MARVIN.......there is no such thing as clean :(

  4. Oh honey, it has been such a long time.. It was lupus? This was the reason of your chronic pain?

  5. Take it slow girl! Geesh I'm a week behind in blog land! LOL! Big Hugs!
