
Monday, March 4, 2019

It's Monday . . . Beware . . . and Stuff

This whole fucking weekend I've been having trouble with my computer passwords. I cleaned my computer of all the trash and all the folders that still contain pictures and memes that I've used. Then I performed a disk cleanup and I defragged the shit out of it. I cleaned it within an inch of its life. Then I gave it a name because I give all my computers names. There was the desktop computer that I called the Mothership. I use her only for program storage now. There was Little Hal, my HP Mini laptop that I used until the little guy committed suicide by blowing his innards up. Yeah, he overheated, somehow. It was a messy death.
So now I have Evil, my current HP laptop. I call him Evil because he fights with me all the time. I save things into his memory and he refuses to cough them up. I have a password saving program and Evil refuses to let it work. So I purged the password program and now I have to write everything down. But when I go back into a medical website days later, Evil declares that the password is wrong. So we fight until I have to take drastic measures and create a new password. Evil will try my patience just one too many times and I will throw his nasty carcass across the room and ask David to order another refurbished Laptop for me because Evil died a horrible ugly death much like Little Hal did before him. I'll make it look like an accident. Again.
It's fucking cold! Yes! Yes, it is. The temperature is a nice cool 65 inside the house but it's 30 outside and will get to about 35 today unless the sun goes supernova then we're all screwed. Don't you just hate when that happens? It will be cold like this until Thursday where it will get back into the 70's again. Only in Texas.
Lucy, resting her head on my
elbow, watching me type
Anyhoo, I've been keeping the puppies warm. Lucy is laying on the cool floor right now because she overheated herself under her blanket. She will eventually come up to me on the sofa asking to be tucked back under her blanket but in the meantime, she's watching me closely while I type. Spunky is snoring like the old man he is. 
Spunky, the ol' man, sleeping soundly all
wrapped up in his blanket on the loveseat.
That ol' boy can sleep through cannon fire. He's deaf and blind so nothing bothers him. He sleeps when he wants, plays like a puppy and eats like a hog at mealtime. He has the house and yard memorized so that when I let them outside he walks around like he has his eyesight. Sometimes his gyroscope goes off kilter and he gets a bit lost, Lucy will go to his rescue and guide him. She's a good girl. We won't have him put to sleep unless he starts having pain. Then we will have him checked out by the vet and do what is necessary for him. Having him for 16 years has been a fun ride. He's been a great dog and we hope he will continue for a while longer even though he's past his freshness date.
We had the crazy weather front that came through Texas last week Tuesday, boomerang on us yesterday mid-morning. It was so fucking delightful. Oh yes. I've been hurting all over my body but mainly my back and legs since it came through. I can't seem to shake the pain off this time., even with exercise. Last night I had to turn the waterbed heater up to the medium setting because I was hurting so bad. When I came to bed after my shower, it was so wonderful. Like my entire body was sleeping on a heating pad. I was worried that David would get overheated because he runs hot all the time. He said he was fine because the room was cold. 
I had the weirdest dream early this morning because I was awake most of the night. But it was the funniest dream I have ever had. It had to do with the devil who for some reason was Jeromy Irons in his younger days. I'll tell y'all about it tomorrow. If I remember.
Well, I have some laundry to do and a house to clean before I lose my energy level. 
Y'all have a magical day.


  1. we had 5" of fresh snow overnight. and it's fucking below freezing. winter sucks!

  2. Computers can just drive us frikken NUTS, can't they!

  3. We ordered my wife's laptop through HP on sale - $350 new. A great deal: 8 ram and 100 gig storage and a year warranty.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  4. Aren't computers fun? LOL!
    I love your fur babies! Give them hugs from me!
    I want to hear about the dream!
    Big Hugs!
