
Monday, March 11, 2019

It's Monday

I'm up and moving today but I'm in a butt load of pain. I think I used 7 of my "spoons" just getting out of bed this morning. I have a heating pad on my lower back and I have another wrapped on my upper back, around my neck, and over my shoulders. Let's just say I am pleasingly wrapped. I took 2 Tylenol this morning for my aches and pains along with my other meds. I have no appetite but I forced myself to at least eat a slice of toast with peanut butter and a small glass of pineapple juice because I have to eat something with my pills. So now I'm sacked out on the sofa. Yeah, I made it here safely and that's where I'm staying for the day. All I'm going to do today is read blogs and veg out.
Y'all have a magical day.


  1. I thought you were a witch. Quit whinning and cure yourself. Enough already. Stop cramming your political views down are throats.

    1. Quit whining and stop cramming my political views down your throat? My Goddess! Am I holding you down and force feeding you my blog? AM I? I didn't think so.
      Yes I'm a Witch. I say it with pride. Being a Witch is not a religion, it's a way of life. I cannot cure myself because there is no cure for autoimmune disease but you probably wouldn't know that because you don't read into my blog much do you. You probably don't read at all for that matter. I express my political views because that is what I believe. You are obviously one of those idiot Magats because you follow blindly and feed off trump's bullshit. He's a loser as you very well are too. I pity you for your stupidity. If you were someone of substance you wouldn't hide behind "anonymous" as a name. You coward!

  2. As if you don't have a big enough pain in the ass as it is, now you have a troll too! Lucky you! LOL

  3. I know. But hey, I have to have some fun some how. I get bored so easily.

  4. That sucks. It rained buckets here yesterday afternoon. Hope you are feeling better today

  5. Who's the idiot on the top of your page??
    Take care of you my friend!! Big Hugs!
