
Thursday, March 28, 2019

Texas Seasons: Pollening

Here in Texas, we are near the end of "the last or Third Winter and entering into Spring. It's called The Pollening.
It's the most lovely time in Texas when everything turns green. Like vehicles, homes, kids, and animals. If you don't move fast enough you are blessed with a liberal dusting of tree pollen. It's such a pretty shade of green too. When Spring finally gets here, maybe next week, we won't have to hose everything down anymore. So, I'll leave y'all with this little fact about Texas seasons. Until next week, maybe I'll tell you about Actual Spring.
Y'all have a magical green day.


  1. i am dreading what is going to happen here in a couple weeks. first will be the pollen and i will be a mess. second, we are in line for emerging locusts. they are predicting over a million per acre. since willie is already eating ants, i can't imagine what will happen with those damn bugs. plus i just know they will get inside somehow. give me winter any day!

  2. Both those memes are so funny! "The Pollening" sounds like the name of a horror movie and for those with allergies, I'm sure it is!

  3. I am already sneezin' & wheezin'. and my asthma is acting up too.

  4. Hit the bong. That's just good pollen.

  5. It's still many weeks before we will see anything green here, heck right now I would settle for mud!

  6. I would love to visit Texas :D
    Thank you for visiting me and it's good to be blogging again. The Ormus is working especially now that I'm giving it thanks and treating it more spiritually. There are some great youtubes about how to make it yoursel, I recommend you watch a lot and draw your own conclusions. It really does benefit from a little spiritual belief and lots of positive

  7. We've got it too. I heard Texas had a heck of a hail storm somewhere last week.
    Take care, happy weekend. Hope you have a great one.

  8. That's very interesting! Take Care!
