
Monday, April 8, 2019

Oh Crap, It's Monday Again

Yesterday I woke up to a thunderstorm. Yes! The first one of the spring season. It hit just a couple of minutes after 6am. It was a wild electrical storm. Lots of lightning and we got well over 2 inches of rain that we needed because we are already getting back into drought conditions. I'm not saying that it's a bad thing yet but we are in a drought. Well, Lucy spent most of the morning clinging desperately to me. She doesn't do well in storms. When it finally ended at about 10:30 she finally got back to normal. I myself was not doing so great but when the storm passed I felt better. This morning I'm feeling much better. I do have some pain and fatigue but at least I'm not laying out on the sofa today.
I tried baking another cheesecake using another different recipe. This one went into the trash. It was so nasty and sour tasting. I don't usually go to this place for recipes but I won't be going back there. I won't mention the site because I don't want trouble. Don't worry it's not a prominent website for recipes. Today I'm going to try another cheesecake recipe and hope for the best. I'm just doing different ones because I love cheesecake and want it to be good enough for company. When I do finally get it right I'll post the recipe with pictures.
I'm doing laundry this morning. Yeah, a shit load of it. I haven't been able to do anything for almost 2 weeks and everything is piling up on me. I'm doing permanent press clothes first because they dry faster. Then sheets, then white clothes and last will be the towels. I'm on the sheets right now with the press clothes in the dryer. I rounded up all the hangers so I'm set for today. I just hope I don't peter out before I'm done. 
Well, the dryer stopped so I have to get busy. Y'all have a magical day.


  1. we only got an inch out of that storm but I'm glad of it. I thought it would be too wet to work outside today because of it but the ground was so dry it just sucked it all up. maybe I'll dig up grass and edge the backside of one of the flower beds that I've been lazy about. laundry here only gets done when all the husband's clothes are dirty since he does the laundry. I have to prod him on occasion when I'm out of clean underwear.

  2. we were supposed to get a lot of rain and it missed us again. this is the driest spring i can remember. i'm worried about summer already.

  3. we must be going naked more.........didn't seem to be as many clothes to wash this week :)

    have a good day

  4. yikes, I do 1 load a week, sometimes 2. at home spouse and I wear as few clothes as possible. glad to hear you had some energy to get a chore accomplished.

  5. The Barefoot Contessa. The “problem” if indeed it is a problem - did you see how I used inverted commas - is every recipe starts with a stick of butter.

  6. Dry as a popcorn fart out here

  7. At my age I look forward to more Mondays.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  8. Take it easy girl!! I hope the cheesecake recipe works out! Big Hugs!

  9. That's a great picture of Ina, we used to watch her all the time in England!
    I hope you can sort out a decent recipe for your cheesecake :D I'm doing laundry too as it's the first dry day in about 3weeks!!!

  10. Good luck with your perfect cheesecake recipe hunt!

  11. We also got that window shaking thunderstorm and about 1.5 inches at my house. Yea- needed the rain. Could have done without the big zots of lightening tho - here in big W the electricity can go out if someone sneezes too hard!

  12. we've had rain at least one day a week since before Chistnas..lately it's rained every weekend..pisses me and the gg's off..we wanna go outside and play.
