
Friday, May 17, 2019

It's Friday

Sorry that I'm posting late today. My pain doctor put me back on Hydrocodone 5.0 so I'm moving really slow. Yeah, it's been a long time since I've been off them. But it does help take away my pain for now. It's just a matter of getting used to moving slower than usual. One good thing is that I feel a little better and I'm able to sleep a whole 6 to 8 hours at night. I forgot what it was like to sleep for more than 3 hours at a time. The bad thing is that it's an opiate and I was trying to get away from bad drugs like that. So, I'm back at square one again. Monday is my Echo with contrast appointment at the cardiologist. I haven't had any palpitation or fluttering episodes since Wednesday. I wonder if the opiate has calmed them down. I'm also not suffering from anxiety as bad as I did either. The palpitations could have been caused by my pain anxiety and lack of sleep. It is possible and yet it isn't. But I'll have to see what happens when I see the doctor on the 31st and we will talk of many things. Especially my pain anxiety.
Yesterday, I felt sick. I couldn't keep anything down and I was tired as fuck. I think I had another flare episode because I'm a little better today. Just really tired. The tired feeling could be from the opiates too. Even though I felt like shit I had laundry to do. Thursdays are always the start of laundry days which goes all the way into Saturday and sometimes Sunday. I do maybe a load or two depending on my energy level. There are days when I have zero energy and days when I have energy up the wazoo. Yesterday was a low energy day. Today is also slow but I am getting things done only in slow motion. I've been having really bad brain fog too. Forgetting what I was doing or going blank in the middle of a conversation. I hate when that happens. David has told me that sometimes I stop in the middle of telling him something and flat out walk away. I just stop functioning. Weird. 
Well, enough of this shit. Y'all have a magical day.


  1. I'm so sorry you are having a hard time. Have you thought about taking just 1/2 of a tablet of the hydro? That might help with the pain but also make you not as slow and foggy. You would also have the option of taking the other half about half way through the allotted time. Ex - if you take 1 tablet every 4 hours you could take a 1/2 tablet every 2 hours and have less of the side effect as a whole tablet. Of course run this by your doctor as I am not a doctor. I would also take a full tablet at night. Not sleeping is horrible so getting any is great! Good luck, I hope you get over this flare quickly!!

    1. I tried that and it worked. I should have thought about that a long time ago. Thanks.

  2. It's one in the morning here, I don't have a dog but I did have two glasses of white, does that count.

    1. Darlin,you should get yourself a cat. Cats have no problem being alone and they are great listeners. Drinking wine with a cat could be interesting since they are serious drunks and like to dance late at night.

  3. Is it OK if I stay at home with my cats and drink wine to celebrate stay at home with your dog day?
    I'll be thinking of you
    the Ol'Buzzard

    1. Drinking wine with your cats is a charming idea. isometimes wonder what it would be like with them. They are two of the prettiest cats I've ever seen.

  4. I sure hope they are able to relieve your pain soon.

  5. well, that sucks. hope things are better today. I have two more days on this stupid monitor. woke up having flutters/rapid beat and they still haven't stopped. I'm about ready for the invasive trick if it will make. it. stop.

  6. Shit, I am so sorry for everything you're going through!! I truly hope something changes soon!
    (I have to apologize! I'm so behind in blog land!!)
    Big Hugs and take care of you!
