
Monday, May 13, 2019

It's Monday

Well, Friday was fruitful. The Nurse Practitioner said I am due for the radiofrequency ablation(Rf.A.) on my lower back. Yeah! I was surprised. I nearly fell out of my chair that she was so on top of that shit. The last one was October of 2016, so, I'm way overdue. But one obstacle, I'll have to wait until after my appointment with my Cardiologist on the 31st to see where we stand with my palpitations and flutters. If everything is fine then it will be a go the first Monday of next month. So now, I have to wait until the drug test. They wanted to get a baseline to make sure I'm not on anything like pot or opiates. It's basically to cover their asses. When the test comes back negative, which it will, then my pain doctor will call my pharmacy and set up some pain killers to hold me over until I go for the Rf.A. But I'm glad that is out of the way. Now it's just a waiting game.
Sunday was fun. I was in the middle of trying to post my usual Religion in a Nutshell post and we lost cable. There was a loud bang and everything went offline. David found out some idiot hit a junction box down the street. So, I'm sorry for the late post but it was in gods hands . . . BWAAHAHAAAHAHAAAAHAHAHAAHAAAAAHAHAHAHAAAA!! oh, I think I wet myself. 
Anywho, we finally got back online around noon so that's why I was late posting. Other than that, it was a quiet uneventful weekend. Saturday I finally got David to help me clean the house and he helped out a great deal. I did the dusting, laundry, bathroom, and other cleaning and he swept and mopped the floors and vacuumed the rugs. When I completed the laundry, I decided to wash the puppy's blankets. They get so dirty when the dogs drag them around the house and outside when I'm not looking. So everything is ship-shape for now and I'm happy. Sunday I asked David not to get me anything for Mother's Day and he obliged. I did make his favorite stew with lots of fresh carrots, potatoes, and peas.
Okay, I think the Game of Thrones producers and directors are bent on destroying all the shows sets. Yeah, Westeros was leveled, on fire and Daeny(Daenerys, Mother of Dragons and all that shit) went fucking ape shit crazy with Drogon. So what could possibly be left? Tying up loose ends, maybe.
Last nights episode was nearly 2 hours long. Next Sunday is the last episode and it will be only 1 hour and 20 minutes from what I saw. I really do hope some of the characters that survive will go off into the sunset happy in the end. But someone has to do something about Daeny and Drogon. Like, give Drogon a Diprivan salt lick before they attack, oh, say maybe London.
Well, I have to go let the puppies inside. They have been outside all morning and they are crashed out on the back porch now. Y'all have a magical day.


  1. I'm gonna hide my Alexa if you ever visit.
    I'm glad that you are getting the pain relief you need.

  2. well, damn. now i'm going to have to go look for spoilers. we won't be able to watch until this last season comes into the public sphere but I have no problem know how it ends before I watch it.

  3. GREAT NEWS! my cats gave me a book for mother's day.

  4. I have to say, based on the books and the shows I did watch, there is no happy ending - at all, for anyone.

  5. We are saving this second to the last episode until the last is shown (recorded) then we will binge watch the ending.
    It is not thoughts and prayers; but we do wish you well.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  6. I hope Game Of Thrones ends happy! I'm not liking it anymore!! LOL! "In God's Hands"! LOL! Good one!
