
Thursday, May 23, 2019

It's Thursday

I wish my body would make a choice for once in its life. Either let me sleep the whole night without waking up or let me have pain. Just once. That's all I ask.
On to other stuff and thangs. My cardiologist, bless her heart, called me yesterday and said the second ECHO with contrast was very good. Nothing wrong in my heart. The flow was great no blockages. BUT she says she wants to see if I might have a blockage of some kind in my arteries because - I'm a big woman - and there must be a reason for the off-kilter beats. The fact that my triglycerides and cholesterol are each lower than 100 isn't good enough. The fact that I have a heart murmur and off-kilter beats like since I was a kid and so on and so forth. So she wants me to get a Calcium Score done. It's like an MRI but it's done of the hearts arteries. She said it takes about 4 minutes. I have to wait for them to make the appointment for me so, yeah, I'm waiting and stuff. 
Lucy watching for squirrels
Yesterday I took Lucy to the dog park. There were other dogs there but she was running around checking all the smells. Forget the other 4 dogs, the smells were better. One lady said that her dog did the same thing. Wild animals must have gotten into the area. The park has a fence all around and a gate so it's not that easy but raccoons and cats do get into the place more often that we do. After the smells were all smelled they smelled each other and said hi to each other and then I threw a bunch of tennis balls that I brought. The puppies went wild. When we got home Lucy was tuckered out. She didn't want to go home but I told her we had too because daddy was going to be home for lunch. That girl loves her daddy. The first thing she did when she saw him was attack, telling him where we went and what we did. We went early to the park again today but we didn't stay long. There was nobody for her to run and play with. So Lucy is sleeping next to me on the sofa now. Yeah, she's passed out cold. If I move it won't bother her and she won't follow me if I get up to do something like get another cup of coffee or just to walk. That little girl is dead to the world. 
Today is going to be another boring day so all y'all have a magical day.


  1. that's good news about the cardiogram! i just cleaned a big mirror in my hall and the w's went crazy when they heard the squeaks. a bit embarrassing because winnie is over a year old and she heard the squeaks for the first time!

  2. I hope they find out what is causing the problem. Lucy is a sweetheart.

  3. Glad your Tests are coming back with Positive News... the Boredom that sets in when we're not Feeling 100% can be epic! I don't even have a Dog but Dog Parks just look Fun and a place to meet nice people who Love their Fur Family Members!

  4. my cardiac RNP has referred me to the electrophysiologist, the specialist cardiac specialist. I had had a nuclear stress test with all the attendant ultrasound, 24 hour monitor, echocardiogram 2 years ago which showed a healthy heart and no blockage though a leaky valve (fairly common he said) so the RNP didn't repeat any of that. I got the referal today but will wait til next week after the holiday to make the appointment. fun and games, right?

  5. Yea! that all your cardiac tests are showing good things. Hopefully this one too. Positive thoughts!

  6. When I get home my cats look at me and say; it's about time, our pot needs emptying and my food bowl is low - and you owe us treats because you have been gone.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  7. Good news about your heart! Keep taking care of you! Have fun at the park! Big Hugs!
