Halloween Countdown

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Tuesday, May 21, 2019

It's Tuesday

I had to turn on the lights this morning. It's really dark out because we are expecting thunderstorms in a few minutes. I looked at the weather radar and it's breaking up over San Antonio but we will get a few sprinkles. Northern Texas and Oklahoma are getting slammed right now so I feel for them.
For me, today I'm feeling almost okay. I usually have a butt load of pain after driving to my medical appointments. But today, my painkillers are working quite nicely. Yesterday, I had an appointment at the cardiology clinic to have another ECHO but this time with contrast which was done intravenously. I have to say the ladies who took care of me are awesome. They made sure I was comfortable at all times because of my back pain and the procedure went as swiftly as possible. So, even though we have a front about to fly over us in a few minutes, I feel pretty damned good.
Is it safe to say that Game of Thrones ended on a good note for the Stark family? I trust everyone if not most of you have seen the finale Sunday night. I will let this spoiler out though, No one got the iron throne. That is all I'm saying about what happened. I was happy with how that whole mess turned out and how the loose ends were tied up. The ending is not really cheesy or goofy as with most shows. It was very pleasing. I am sad to see it ended though and I'm wondering if what the rumors say is true that there is a preamble to the Game of Thrones in the works that will show how the White Walkers came to be and who and how the rulers started everything. They are saying that the new show will start with the fight between the Children of the Forest and the First Men. It could be interesting to see the Targarians come into power and the old dragons. I just hope they don't fuck it up and they have better writers.
Today I plan on taking it easy. There isn't much to do since the house is clean and laundry is done. This morning I was planning on going to the library to see what is new to read. I think I've read everything in the New Books stand. It will be nice to get out again and chat with the ladies or go meet David for lunch downtown. I might give him a call to meet me at the park for sandwiches and cookies.
I have minds to warp so y'all have a magical day.


The JR said...

I had to quit reading when you started the paragraph about GOT for fear of reading something that we had not watched yet. We just started watching the season last night.

ellen abbott said...

i read a synopsis of the last episode so I don't have to wait until it's public before I can watch it. I finished my 3 weeks on the monitor yesterday. hallelujah! now to see what the next step is. glad you are feeling better today.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I love that graphic of The House Stark! I have a good image in a similar vein too and I will email it to you.

anne marie in philly said...

I am stealing that coffee meme! so how many minds did you warp?

pam nash said...

I'm glad you're feeling better. I think I'd have rather GRRM finished the books - for me, easier to read than watch in graphic detail.

Magic Love Crow said...

Yes, there is suppose to be spin offs, of the show! I don't know if I was happy about the ending, or not? Take it easy and I hope you had some cookies in the park! Big Hugs!

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