Halloween Countdown

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Tuesday, May 28, 2019

It's Tuesday

We have overcast skies today. Well, at least until the sun decides to wake up and get to work. From what I understand from the NOAA weather site, we are supposed to expect rain off and on for the rest of the week until Monday. That's as far as the forecast goes so I'll have to wait for a couple of days to find out if the sun will shine again.
Anywho, David and I had a very productive weekend even though he wanted to sit in front of the TV and watch Harry Potter movies, I did get him up and doing some work. We tore into his Man Shed first. Took almost everything out of it and put up new shelving and get rid of a bunch of junk. Then we put out mouse bate and put most of the stuff that we wanted to keep back into the shed. I had him set up a large oval tin pot with sand in it and we poured oil into it and mixed it up really well. Then we took garden tools, cleaned and sharpened the ones that needed sharpening and stuck the metal into the oily sand. Then I let him rest for the rest of the day. Saturday, he tried to replace the hose for the steering fluid but couldn't get to it. So he will have to take his truck to the shop down the street and have the guys work on it for him. They were closed this weekend. So, we, yes I said WE, went to Wallyworld, gawd, I hate that place. David wanted a new set of headphones because his old ones kept dying on him. So, yeah, we went there for a few minutes but it seemed like an eternity. Sunday I had him mowing the lawn and trimming around the garden. He actually did a good job without lopping off any flowers. Monday, I let him rest. He wanted to take off today but I shoved him out the door this morning.
While all this was going on, I helped him clean out the sheds and threw a lot of crap away. I gave the puppies baths and clipped their nails. Finished the laundry, only two loads. Baked some bread, froze some bread dough for some other time I need breadsticks. Made cheesecake which for some reason was so much easier now that I know how to make it and it tasted so much better. I precooked three meals in case I don't feel like I can cook because of pain in the future and froze them. I made stew, lasagna, baked chicken breasts with rosemary butter in foil. I cooked a pot of rice and bagged it portion wise and froze that. I had a lot of heavy cream left over from making the cheesecake so I made butter out of that. I found out what to do with leftover cream and there was a tutorial on how to make real butter so I tried it. It was great and so easy to do. When I finished making the butter I mixed some fresh herbs with it and then froze it. I used the whey from the butter to make the bread. Nothing wasted. It was fun doing something new.
Thursday I got a call from my cardiologist's office and they moved up my appointment from Friday to tomorrow morning. That's all good for me. I'm hoping since everything has been negative so far the Calcium Score I had last week will be okay too. But I'm dreading knowing the news for some reason. 
Well, I have a little puppy that is antsy as hell because I promised I would let her run at the dog park this morning. Y'all have a magical day.


The JR said...

Yowzers, ya'll were busy. We spent most of the weekend out in the barn or the yard. It was so dang hot too.

ellen abbott said...

wow. too damn hot here to be that productive outside.

anne marie in philly said...

DAYUM GURL! you got some serious shit done! I went to wallfart once; that was 10 times too many and I've never gone back.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Busy as bees, the two of you!

pam nash said...

Wowza! Busy and accomplished much.

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