
Monday, May 27, 2019


Today many friends and family members will go about their day with a BBQ and pool or block party. To them, today is just another holiday and nothing more. Not to rain on your parade but today is a day of remembrance and honor. There are those that will spend the day remembering family members at grave sites in Arlington and some that will be visiting the beautiful memorials in and around Washington D.C. I advise everyone who can, please spend a few moments at your town or city memorial for fallen soldiers. Honor the brave souls that gave their lives and thank those that have served or are serving in the military. 


  1. I've been to the Vietnam Wall in DC. It made me cry to think of all those lost - some I knew once upon a time long ago.

  2. Agreed, for the Families who have lost Loved Ones in combat it can be a somber day and has deeper meaning. The Man is a Disabled Veteran who served 39 Years and lost a lot of Friends in combat, so he never wants to participate in Festivities of what to many is just another long Weekend to do enjoyable things and go to Sales. However, he finds it awkward when anyone equates Memorial Day the same as Veteran's Day... his response being more, "Well Thank You, but I'm still Alive..." I think his sentiments are this Day should be reserved for Honoring the Fallen and I respect that sentiment that many Vets we know have. Thank you for putting out the reminder that in Memorial of those who gave all, we should show due Respect.

  3. Thanks for sharing, this is a fantastic blog post.

  4. Thanks to those who served so that we are now free.

  5. all those dead young men, many of whom died not for freedom as our freedom was not being threatened, but for the vain glory of warmongers and those who would profit from it.
