
Monday, May 6, 2019

Warning - Bad Flare Day

I couldn't get out of bed this morning. I was hurting so much. I think I laid awake for the past 6 hours. When I finally dragged my pained ass out of bed I decided to take a long hot shower. I took 2 Tylenol first and I think I stood motionless for 10 minutes in the hot water as it beat on my lower back. It felt so wonderful. Thank the Goddess and my husband for water massage. 
So after slathering my lower back and shoulders with Aspercreme, I had some oatmeal, juice and my usual regimen of pills. I have dropped some of my medications since they aren't working for me. Why waste money on that shit. I then started a load of laundry. It's overcast today and it will most likely stay that way for the rest of the week. The area weather report says we are expecting rain. I noticed the ground was wet when I let the puppies out so yeah, it's probably been raining off and on all morning. Just wonderful.
I made something of a pineapple upside down cake on Saturday. David got the recipe from a co-worker of his. It was pretty good except it calls for way to much sugar. So I cut the sugar down to a third and guess what? It tasted just as good as the original recipe. David loved the cake after I made it with the new improved recipe changes. I told him not to tell his friend about the change. It would make her mad. 
Well, my laundry is finished washing and I have another load to start. I have to try to clean the house a bit too. The puppies chased each other yesterday and there are pillows and stuffed toys strewn everywhere. So y'all have a magical day.
By the way, May is National Lupus Awareness Month and May 10th is World Lupus Day. Just a reminder and shout out to all my Lupie friends and those that help support us out there.


  1. my poor freddy had lupus and it was awful when she had flair ups. i hope you feel better soon!

  2. lady gaga? michael jackson? WOW! and silly puppies; THEY should clean the house!

  3. Have you ever used Diclofenac Sodium Topical Solution 1.5%. My ortho prescribed it for my knee pain. I use it on my back and ankle too. Hubby uses it on his shoulder. It helps a lot.

  4. I bet that recipe was an original 1950s recipe -- pineapple upside down cake was big in the '50s. My Mom used to make it when I was a little girl -- so good! But everything in those days had waaaaaaaaay too much sugar, compared to today.

    I hope your flare settles down soon and gives you some much-needed relief!
