
Friday, June 21, 2019

Blessed Litha

Summer Solstice or Litha as I call it starts officially at 10:54 CT for us in central Texas. That's officially the start of summer for all you non-pagans. So far it's a dreary morning. No sun just clouds. Although the sun is trying to push the clouds aside once in a while. But it will be a glorious day today no doubt. The past few days have been up in the 100's which is strange for us in my part of Texas. We normally don't get into the 100's until August. But with the climate change thingy going on, things are getting strange.
Spunky is barking so we have to go outside and enjoy Litha. So y'all have a magical day and Blessed Litha to all y'all.


  1. Enjoy the outside - the sun - all the blooming stuff . . . . because . . . . after today, it's gonna get hot!

  2. after a week of rain and humidity, we have a sunny and cool first day of summer! but I don't like the days getting shorter.

  3. Summer Solstice blessings to you! Enjoy the longest day!

  4. Happy summer! I don't think we've had 100 yet. Not complaining either.

  5. We have had an unusually cool June: days in the sixties and seventies and nights in the forties and fifties.
    Happy solstice. The waning daylight reminds us, up here in the north, that winter is coming.
    the Ol'Buzzard
