
Monday, June 10, 2019

Tennis Porn

So, Sunday morning the French Open was on TV. I was setting up my blog for the morning when My brother, Zomby Woof called to say hi. Then he asked if I had ever really listened to a tennis match? I didn't follow what he meant, then I turned up the sound on the TV and realized the noisy match going on between Nadler and Thiem.
So my brother then said doesn't it sound like gay porn? I started laughing because damn, listening to the guys grunting and groaning every time they hit the damned ball was actually a little if not getting ridiculously funny. Nadler is so vocal it made me wonder. I've heard that some women in the crowds love to just listen to the guys because of the erotic grunting and groaning.
I know the girls are bad with their screaming too, especially Sharapova. She sounds like she's getting fucked hard. Even the crowds were known to get into making fun of her screams when she plays by screaming back at her or laughing loudly. She sounds like a small yappy dog is being beaten.  I'm just wondering what kind of coach tells them to scream or moan like that when the player hits the ball. Is it necessary at all? Does the coach get off on that kind of thing or what?
Y'all have a magical day.



  1. there are guys at my gym who HAVE to grunt loudly when they lift weights. NO EXCUSE FOR IT! it's a form of "look at meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee". no thanks, I don't give five fat flying fuschia fucks about you!

  2. Well, NOW I have to listen to a tennis match!

  3. I played tennis and had no desire to scream like those idiots.

  4. perhaps they think it puts more power behind their swings.

  5. it's really can't tell if they hit an ace or had an orgasm.

  6. The grunting has become ridiculous over the last few years. At one point, the big tournaments started penalizing the players for the noise. I don't know if they still do. I watch muted so I don't have to hear all that noise. Nadal is one of the worst of the men.

  7. Oh that really made me laugh, especially the Sharapova comment! I use to grunt loudly when I got on my old horse, he was quite big and it literally pushed all the air out of me when I pulled myself up!

  8. Guess they think it adds to the 'excitement' of the sport.
