
Friday, July 5, 2019

Oh Lawd, He's Gone Stupid Crazy

President  Orange Idiot went off the rails yesterday with his speech. David was listening while he was Instagramming a couple of friends on his laptop when he yelled really loud for me to come quick. So I got up and was in the room just in time to hear about the Revolutionary troops taking back the airports. Yeah, I said airports. You have to really hear this for yourselves.
Sorry that I have to put this on my blog so early in the morning but I had to let all y'all hear this. You can turn it off at 4:25. But it's funny because the crowd that is cheering him aren't sure if they should cheer or not at certain areas of his speech because Prez Dimwit went nuts. Yeah, Spanky Dimwit went off the rails and started adlibbing history as he knows it to be true and getting two different wars mixed up with something that never happened. Lawdy Lawd, he needs to be impeached for the crazies. The man is not all there. You look at some of the pictures of him recently and it looks like he's off in la-la land like 90% of the time. It's time to do something before he pushes the red button thinking the British have taken over the airports again and are coming for him through the rockets red glare.
I was on Twitter and you really have got to read some of these tweets. Funny as shit!
Well, David goes back to work on Monday. It will be weird not hearing the TV noise in the TV room anymore. I have lots to do today so y'all have a magical day.


  1. What an ignoramus! Those tweets are HIGH-larious!

  2. just when you think then dump cannot get more stupid...he pulls dis shit! he's blaming it on the teleprompter. YEAH RIGHT! ASSHOLE!

  3. it wasn't his fault!!! it was the teleprompter, it was the rain, it was those socialist Democrats!

  4. Do you think there was a teleprompter for the audience - APPLAUD, CHEER, CLAP, CHANT? Surely the response was not for that speech.

  5. ??????? I don't know what to say???
