
Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Stuff and Thangs

This morning, David and I went to Home Desperate and picked up the shelving unit I wanted for the kitchen and I took a look at some of the herbs they had in the garden center, really pathetic. I had to be out there anyway because I needed some Neem oil spray for my lemon trees. We have a nasty white fly infestation because of the rain lately. I did need to get new oregano and basil plants as well as citrus fertilizer for the lemon trees. so it was a pretty good trip.
We came home after puttering around at Home Desperate and having lunch out. David put the shelving unit together and I sprayed and fertilized my lemon trees. When I came inside, David had put all my things from the counter and on top of the refrigerator onto the rack. It looks so nice. Well, to me it does. Now, I don't have to reach so high up to get the things I need.
I have some recipes I need to add into my cookbook and then put all the small baking items on the new rack I really want to clear the counters off of all the baking clutter. It's ridiculous that I have hardly any room in the kitchen to actually knead dough because of all the shit I have to move stuff around. It's a real pain in the ass. Now it will be a breeze. I also want to make a lemon loaf cake this afternoon. I found the recipe at a copycat recipe site. It's supposed to be the copycat for Starbuck's Lemon Loaf Cake.
Well, I have shit to do in the kitchen so y'all have a magical day.


  1. Strippers and free pot? My kinda place with the exception of the bloody bird pastry

  2. Mmmm, I love lemon loaf. I have a recipe for one called "BETTER than Starbuck's Lemon Loaf" and you know, it is.

  3. no pix of the new shelf? and I await a slice of your lemon loaf cake; I bet it's dee-lish!

  4. Great title :D I hope you enjoyed your time in the kitchen and have a lovely lemon cake to show for it (or share ;) ).xxx

  5. I cannot reach as high as I once could--over 7 feet. So, I need things lower. They end up on the countertop!

  6. Glad you got the shelf and everything is easier for you. Makes a big difference in wanting to go cook or having to rearrange everything in order to cook.

    Happy 4th of July. And have a great weekend.

  7. I don't shop at Home Depot unless Lowe's doesn't have exactly what I want. Home Depot guy is a big Trump supporter. I'm fortunate that the two stores are one exit away from each other on the freeway. I need to go over and check my blueberry. just flat letting the tomatoes go, probably all stink bug damaged after my week in the hospital.

  8. Lowe's is still the choice of big box nuts, bolts and other weird stuff around my house. Primarily because Michael worked there for many years in a different lifetime, long ago and I still know where things are sorta. I always like to look at their plants but I like to look at plants everywhere.

  9. the only time I miss having a spouse is when I can't fucking reach anything..

  10. I love lemon loaf!! Congrats on your new shelving unit! Big Hugs!
