
Monday, July 8, 2019

YES!! It's Finally Monday

The last six days were quite busy for me. In between the baking, cooking, trying to keep the house clean, laundry, and watching Coco Gauff at the Wimbledon courts and the women's soccer games, (Go USA Women!!) I actually had a little time to get in some rest. Yes, and I also took a butt load of pictures that will be posted later. Most of them are of Lucy.
I took one of the new kitchen baking rack for most of my baking shit. It's about 54 inches(137centimeters) and I love it. Bare with me people. I was taking it with a small camera that I wasn't used too. I had to turn the camera to get the best picture possible and it was off balance looking. So it's a bit wonky crooked looking. 
Every holiday, like July 4th, David and I go out to eat breakfast early. We both noticed this area when we were on our way to IHop and I asked David to stop when we were going to pass it. He turned off the street onto the side road near the high school and I was able to take a shot of all these flags. David said it's called the Field of Honor. People purchased the flags for $30 each in honor of first responders, active military members or a veteran. There are thousands of these flags in perfect rows with the name of the honored person on a bright yellow ribbon attached to the pole. The flags are 3 by 5 feet on a 7 and a half foot tall pole. So humbling to see all of this.
Lucy sleeping with her fav blanket and pillow.
She is studying to be human for her next life.
The fireworks weren't quite as bad for Lucy. She's not the type to be cuddled so the Thunder Vest would be a waste of money on her. She went with me outside to watch the fireworks and she sort of got used to the loud booming since we live close to the golf course. That's where the fireworks are set off so yeah, it gets pretty loud where I am. But, she wasn't shaking as much when she figured out the boom was associated with the flashes and spray of sparkles. She kinda liked it. When we went inside after the fireworks were over she was jumping at me, really happy like she wanted more.
David and I did something over the weekend. We made a pact that when the puppies are gone, which will happen in a few more years, we will put up a styrofoam backing and put a map of Texas up on the TV room wall over the styrofoam. Once a week we will throw a dart at it and wherever the dart hits we will go there for a weekend or a week. Whichever feels good. I said I don't care if my back is hurting or not we are going to see the whole state if possible. then the whole country when we run out of places here in Texas. So we are going traveling when he retires in a few years.
Y'all have a magical day.


  1. What a wonderful travel idea! Big state - lots of things to see and do. And then move onto the rest of the country. Eventually you'll have to put up a world map! Nice 4th celebration by your town. Of course, nothing was done here in big W. Lucy gets ATTAGIRL's for her bravery.

  2. I wish my Minnie would associate loud bangs and booms with pretty sparkles but no. trembling and panting and bug eyed. she even freaks when a car backfires. my husband does not like to travel so I go without him.

  3. great idea for traveling!

    we have those racks at work to (a) hold parts for our instruments and (b) hold finished instruments to be sold. they are VERY sturdy and I would recommend them to anyone. of course, your rack (heh heh heh) looks better than mine!

  4. What if you miss and the dart lands in the water? Scuba diving?

  5. I like the new pantry shelf.
    Awwwww, Lucy is already a little human girl. She's a sweet heart.

    That sounds like a lot of fun for you. I'm not much into traveling.

  6. that's what my kids and I used to do..write the names of our favorite states to go to ..throw in a hat..draw one and then move there..18 months later we'd do it all over..wasn't till I was in my 60's that I realized that 18 months was about the length of time I'd ever spent in one place(military kid)

  7. Ohhhhh!! Traveling around Texas sounds exciting. And then perhaps you will make it to NC! Yes, I can finally meet you. Love the new rack and Lucy is always adorable. <3

  8. I love that travel idea!! Excellent! Lucy is so cute! Seeing the flags like that is very special! Your baking rack looks great, big hugs!
