
Thursday, August 8, 2019

A Quicky

I just got back from my appointment with my orthopedic surgeon. I was scheduled to see him today to mark the one-year followup for my right knee. Yes, it has been a whole year and I haven't had to go in for any surgeries, Knock wood. Anywho, everything looked good on the x-rays and I don't have to go back to see him unless my klutziness decides it gets lonely and wants attention. So no more appointments for any doctors at least until November. 
Crap! David just called me from work. It seems he left his cell phone, wallet and watch on his desk in the TV room this morning. I have to go take them to him so he can function. Y'all have a magical day.


  1. Good news for you for sure and yes men are so... hey wait a minute Anne Marie!!!

  2. That's great news. My ortho released me on Wednesday. Now we need to be careful and not hurt ourselves.

    Happy weekend.

  3. yay, good news. he must have still been asleep when he left.

  4. No quacks until November...that's great news! (not a fan of the medical industry!)...I'm glad all is well Leanna. :)

  5. congratulations on the success of your operation..
