
Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Oy, It's Tuesday

Yesterday, I was going to do some housework but I have been reading The Reckoning by John Grisham. It's not the page-turner that I was hoping for but it was good enough to pique my interest. I hate reading the last chapter to find out ahead of time what happens in the end. Anywho, I could barely put it down. I was on the last three chapters and I wanted to finish it so I put up my "I'm Reading" meme. I wasn't being lazy per se. I just wanted to finish that book and it was well worth it. I finished the book at around 10:30 even though I had a few interruptions with the puppies and then David calling me to ask if I heard about this or that on the news. Yeah, he gets bored when he runs out of work and things are running smoothly.
Anywho, I decided to go outside when I finished reading and water the lemon trees and my few remaining flowers. I have got to go get new plants before winter sets in. So, I went online and couldn't find anything I wanted. I went to Etsy and found a few small flowering plants just the right size to take care of through winter and then introduce outside in the spring. Oh, my kingdom for a proper greenhouse. Anywho, I will be getting my plants sometime either the end of this week or next week. We will see. Now I have to go break out the pots to get the right sizes to sustain them through the winter.
After all that, I did do a few housewife thingies. I cleaned the refrigerator out and then took out the trash. I swept the kitchen floor and then mopped it. I made a new batch of iced tea and took out stew meat from the freezer to defrost in the sink. At around 2:30 in the afternoon I made stew and then let it sit on a low simmer Before dinner. David loves my stew.
After dinner, I got online and went to Amazon and preordered the next Grisham book, The Guardians. That one will be out in October. Just in time for my winter reading list. Can't wait. I also preordered a few more books that I had on my wishlist.
Well, that is what I did yesterday. Y'all have a magical day.


  1. I just ordered a bunch of books too. I get bored at work sometimes.

  2. Today was a day I could have gotten a lot accomplished. I didn't. trying to finish my book.

  3. It been a while since I read a book.
    Coffee is on

  4. We nurture one basil plant over winter.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  5. A good day! You accomplished a lot! Enjoy your reading! Big Hugs!
