
Monday, September 23, 2019

I'm Back - It's Monday - DAYUM!!

Today is the first day of Autumn. Can I get an AMEN People? Yes, my favorite season. The season of the Witch, not the movie, has started. DAYUM!! Now if the weather would cooperate and give us some cooler temperatures. 
Like PLEASE Mother Nature, can you see it in your heart to give us cooler weather in the mid 70's during the day and 60's at night? I know you are going through some tough times with the change and all but couldn't you just tweak it a bit?
On to other shit. Over the weekend I made another cheesecake with my recipe. It was velvety smooth and oh sooooo good. But before I go on, let me tell all y'all why I made this cheesecake. Two weekends ago on a Saturday, I made a cheesecake but I goofed it. On purpose. I changed the baking temperature. Yes, instead of baking for an hour at 200 F I turned up the heat to 300 F and guess what. The cheesecake came out of the oven with a semi browned top and sides. It was tough, not soft in the center. I really fucked up. It was awful. So, David said I should make another one just to prove if you stick with the recipe and directions it will come out the same as the first time. And it did. It was awesome. David was so happy that this one was proving that he was right. So what! I goofed and thought I would fool with the baking temperature a little. Yes, okay, it did prove fruitful and I learned something about my recipe. So I don't need to fiddle with it ever again. The recipe is perfect and it goes in my recipe book to keep. 
Over the last week and a half, I did nothing but relax and binge watch on Netflix. I did repot a couple of plants that I forgot to do the last time I potted my houseplants. But basically, I was a lazy housewife. Oh, I did cook, clean and do laundry when it called for it but I just goofed off and watched TV or read a book. I might be doing this again sometime but I got too bored before my two weeks were up. So yeah, I'm back until I need the downtime again.


  1. yeah, a few days doing nothing is about all I can stand.

  2. Happy Autumn Equinox, my witchy friend. Sorry for scooping several of the same pumpkin spice memes you had intended for your post tomorrow -- clearly we have the same twisted sense of humour and/or steal memes from the same websites!

  3. Ok don't be a binge hog! Share what you watched.I am always in the mood for a good binging.

  4. happy fall! if you catch the mother's ear could you tell her i am sorely in need for some cooler temps too???

  5. GAYmen for autumn! it hit 91F today up here; some autumn!

    cheesecake is food of the gods!

  6. Perhaps if we all send collective thoughts to the controller of the thermostat, we can convince the temperature down a bit.
