
Tuesday, September 3, 2019

It's Monday

Over the past weekend, actually starting Thursday, I was binge-watching Ozark on Netflix. David got me stuck on it. It's quite good but oh so predictable. One thing, lots of nudity and high body counts on each episode of Ozark. Season 3 will be coming out next year. Can't wait. Check it out if you have Netflix. 
Next thing I'm watching is Peaky Blinders. It looks good also. I'll be starting that today. I really don't want to explain either one of these shows. Just google them or check them out for yourself. 
Sunday I was washing clothes and the washer decided to quit on me. I tried to just cancel the wash cycles but no go. So I unplugged the bitch. After 10 minutes I plugged it back in and still no go. So I unplugged it again and left it that way for an hour. I plugged it back in and no go. So, I walked away and went to tell David we would have to get the repair guy out to fix the washer. He went into the laundry room and all of a sudden I heard the washer going. I asked him about what he did and he said that he just pressed the ON button. Okay, this has happened before. Really. He just walks in when the washer refuses to work and presses the same button for the exact same amount of time and it works for him. I told him he can't die before me because he is the only one who can coax the washer into working. I mean it. The man has magic running in him when he touches things in this house. Either that or the electrical gremlins hate me.
Lucy sleeping on the sofa. Yes, that is the divas' pillow.
Lucy has been a diva all weekend. Sleeping on the sofa under her pink camo blanket and all. She's sooooo spoiled. Oh, and when we go outside she wants me to go with her because I've been watching for poisonous snakes in the yard lately. I killed a coral snake on Thursday and she witnessed it. So now, Ms. Lucy wants me to be her bodyguard whenever she goes outside or she won't go past the porch stairs. Yeah, she wants me to hold her hand or something. I have to go out and stand guard for her every time or no tinkles.


  1. Probably he has house and machine magic. My husband had the same ability. Well, Lucy is low to the ground and still squats - a guard is a good thing.

  2. I hate snakes too Lucy. They call me typhoid mary at work......I can kill a system faster than a plague.

  3. my husband doesn't even come close to possessing those powers.

  4. My sister has some weird electronic thwarting energy running through her body. She has to wear an old fashioned wind up watch because she blows the batteries on a battery powered watch about 2 hours after putting it on. When her washer died she bought the most basic machine she could find with no motorboard in it so she could wash without killing it. She even has to keep her cell phone turned off and only turns it on when she is physically using it to make a call

  5. Minnie also wants me to go outside with her but not to guard. she is just glued to me. where I am, she is. I've tried to teach her that she can go outside without me, I'm not going anywhere. she's getting better but 10 minutes is about all. our washer and drier must be 30 years old, came with the house. they just keep going. made back when America made quality stuff. that's all over now.
