
Friday, October 25, 2019

It's Finally Friday

I woke up to a nice warm and toasty bed this morning. David/sexy beast/love of my life, woke up, as usual, to get ready for work and he did something really sweet for me this morning. He turned up the waterbed heater to medium and then turned on the space heater in the living room for me. I woke up so nicely toasted. Lucy was under the blankets at the foot of the bed and refused to come out. I was so fucking happy because it was freezing cold outside, 44 degrees and I could go for a nice walk outside without sweating to death. I got dressed in my warm, thick, long-sleeved Henley shirt and a pair of pants and socks and my Holy Grail Killer Bunny slippers. Really, actual socks and my killer bunnies to keep my feet warm. Oh, joy! So far my day has gotten off to a great start. I made coffee. Turned on my laptop. Read all the blog entries from other bloggers and commented and then checked my emails and then I checked in on Mabel on the goat cam here.
Okay, Mabel is a three-year-old goat that is preggers with twin kids. She is supposed to give birth at any time within the next two weeks. Poor thing is so bloated with the babies that she's going to pop. I got hooked watching when I was checking cams on I found her page by accident when it just came up and there she was. She's kept in the goat house which is an isolation room for birthing. She has this place all to herself where she can watch everything going on outside. She has fresh food and water. Hay and sawdust. There is a camera that gives the owners at Goats of Anarchy a great view so they can check in on her through their iPhones or laptops. If she gets agitated they go and check on her, give her treats and belly rubs. She seems fine though. No signs of early birth. There is also a chat block running in real-time too. Last night while everyone was chatting, a few of us started naming movie titles and we would slip in the word goat or Mabel into the title. (ie: The Goat and Mrs. Muir, Goats in Black, The Goat The Bad and The Ugly). It was getting to be a party and then I left. I came back in this morning and no kids yet. Soon, very soon. It's a bit of fun to check in when nothing is going on here at home. Yeah, I'm bored. So what. 
Yesterday, I got a new kitchen scale for baking. My old one finally blew up. So I was left with having to do any baking ingredients by the cup measurement. I find that the weighing ingredients by grams is so much more accurate. Besides, most all recipes from Europe or Japan or China are in weight measures. I also have several baking books that use this process too. When I put a recipe on my blog the measurements are in cups because not everyone has a kitchen scale. I would advise that everyone get one because all my future measured recipes posted will be from kitchen scale in grams. 
Well, I have two loads of laundry to tackle and a few minor things to get done. All y'all have a magical day and weekend.


  1. David is a sweetheart.
    Glad you got to go out for a walk.

    Cook something good and have a great weekend.

  2. Wonderful to hear that you’re having a great day.

  3. May you stay toasty warm all day! And hurray for Mabel the goat!

  4. Nice to get up on a chilly morning and be warm and stay warm. Warm being the key word. Chillier there than here though I think we are going to dip to the 40's tonight. Sounds great! I'm soooo tired to of hot and humid.

  5. A warm house this time of year feels the best.

  6. Sounds like a great day! I felt that warm and toasty feeling yesterday. I was under the weather and Alex blasted the heat for me in the bedroom...same scenario as you, Jack was under the covers at the foot of the bed, refusing to face the cold reality of the backyard...if he knew how to use the toilet, I know he would never step one doggie toe outside from September through to June!! The Mabel cam is really neat! I'm going to check in on her!!

  7. I would LOVE to see a pix of those killer rabbit slippers!

  8. measuring in grams for baking? ummmm, that seems a little...anal to me. how much difference can a few grams either way make?

  9. It was rainy and gross here today. All I wanted to do was stay in bed. Didn't happen. Glad you got to wake slowly and warm!

  10. You have been a very busy girl! That really is the secret of a good life.

  11. Nothing better than waking up warm, toasty and pain free in the minutes before you decide you better get to the bathroom. Even if I do climb back in bed, it's just not the same.

    No worries on the recipes being by weight, I'm sure there's a conversion table to cups and such somewhere. Not that it will keep people from whining about why you list weights. I've thought a long time about getting a scale. Other than the ability to reset so you can keep adding ingredients to the same pile, both metric and imperial (so can use recipes from anywhere), are there any other features you recommend? What did you get for the new scale?

  12. Have a wonderful weekend and stay toasty warm!

  13. I am so happy everything is going well! Stay warm! I love Mabel! I want to see the babies being born! Big Hugs!

  14. How on earth do you blow up a kitchen scale??? My mind is boggling!
    It sounds like you had a lovely, snuggly day <3
