
Monday, November 25, 2019

Stuff and Thangs on a Monday

Oh, I forgot to tell all y'all about the repair guy who came to fix the dryer last week. He showed up on Wednesday afternoon and took a look at the button. I said it had only come loose and that it just needed to be put back in place. I said I would have done it but David told me it would invalidate the warranty. The guy said there was no listed warranty and that it might not be the button. So I watched and I should have made a bet with him because the button had indeed slipped out of its little place and that was all that was the matter. He said if it happens again just open the top and put the button back in its place again to save us some money. That was it. Shit, I could have saved us an $89.50 house call. 
This morning I had no arm strength to get out of bed. That really scared me. Even though I work out doing arm exercise reps with  5 and 10 lb weights every single day, I just had no upper arm strength at all. I had to keep trying over and over again to roll out of the waterbed and I finally did it with a lot of effort. After I took my hot shower and got dressed I immediately went on my favorite IM spot and called out a fellow lupus warrior to talk. I found out through Megan (Only the names have changed to protect the innocent), my friend who also has MCTD, that the loss of arm strength is part of the illness. Scared me even worse. She said all you can do is keep working out and pray that you have the arm strength when you need it the most. She said that she loses her arm strength from time to time too. I need to counteract this shit and I wish there was something else along with my exercises that would help me. Since the cold weather is starting to set in now that we are approaching winter, it's harder to get around because of the RA. I've been lucky because I've only had a few episodes where the lupus was triggered and slowed me down with exhaustion and pain. But the other parts of MCTD are ganging up on me to slow me down.
I bought a pair of gloves from Amazon and they should be here by Tuesday. They are recommended for Raynaud's sufferers. They aren't waterproof and that isn't a problem since I have a pair of kitchen rubber gloves that I can wear over them if I have to do anything that is messy. They should help to keep my hands warm and keep the Raynaud's at bay. Other than all that my life is hunky-dory.
David is home for a whole week due to the Thanksgiving holiday. I've said before he gets a whole week off for the holidays for Thanksgiving it's one week and Christmas thru New Year's will be two whole weeks off this year. So right now I have to fain deafness so he'll leave me alone which doesn't work all the time because he will seek me out and bother me for the littlest thing. It's that usual time of the year for me where I have no privacy. But when I think about it, I should be happy and grateful to have him around and I really am, it's just I wish he wouldn't bother me every ten or fifteen seconds to ask me about something that he could look up on the internet.
Just a few minutes ago he came inside to ask me how I wanted some plant cut down. I asked what plant? He showed me and I had to go out to show him. Later he will be binge-watching something on Netflix. He'll come asking me, "Did you know???" To which I'll say yes. Then he'll ask more questions. I think the poor man is lonely sitting in the TV room all by himself. I would be in there too but I like the quiet and the sofa is good for my back. So I'll sit here with my heating pad writing on my laptop or reading a book and he will turn up in the living room asking me something just to have company. I wonder if he bothers his coworkers like this when he's at work. It's only one week and not two. *heavy sigh*
This morning before he went outside to dilly dally around, he said that he found the mixer I was talking about the other evening. I have always wanted a Kitchenaide mixer. The one with the four-quart bowl and three attachments. The one I wanted is more than I can afford so I have just reserved myself to use the little handheld and brute force to mix cookie and bread dough. Anyways, I told him I only wished for it in a perfect world where we wouldn't be out $400 if it broke down. That perfect world does not exist and he isn't going to buy it, end of story. I think the wheels are still turning in his head even though I told him emphatically no. N. O. NO!! I wished I had never answered his question about a perfect world gift. He's so devious.
Well, I have to go outside to see what he's screaming about. All y'all have a magical day.


  1. I hope you always have arm strength when you need it! And that was a valuable lesson about the button!

  2. I do imagine that was scary as hell. Sorry to hear that is a problem.

    lol......David....ya better watch out Dude. I think I heard the wheels turning too.

  3. I only get one week a year by myself when he goes to Colorado to hang out with my brother in February. we pretty much hang out in different rooms until evening and even then I'm in the living room and he is in and out of the kitchen (he's the cook). we do eat all our meals together.

  4. Hi Leanna :) Your writing is very entertaining! Poor man is so bored...I can relate at times, I love my quiet time and when Alex is bored, he has a lot to say lol...but yes, I do appreciate him being here, I'd miss him if he wasn't! That sucks about the dryer cost! And yeah, very scary about the lack of arm there anything else you can do to prepare to get out of bed if your arms fail you? You're a strong woman and you have so many challenges!! It's quite inspiring. :)

  5. Oh by the way, I'd LOVE one of those mixers too, but here in Canada they are upwards of $600...insane!

  6. Having your body do something completely unexpected is very scary. I will remind my body that 1. I do exercises, 2. Eat right, 3. Don't abuse it. Acting up is unacceptable. One week isn't so long. Just wait until retirement!

  7. that would be as scary as hell..I've been at Jamie's watching both kids not 2 days a week but 3 to 5 just brought a bunch of clothes all the stuff I need and been staying here so I don't have to drive back and forth..dylan is almost 9 months old and he's got to weigh close to 25 pounds and getting harder and harder to pick him up and carry back kills me all the we're having thanksgiving here and as she will be working right up until thanksgiving..guess who is cooking..I need a nap.
