
Thursday, December 12, 2019

Okay Okay, So It's Thursday

Sunday thru Wednesday were bad days for me. The front that came through triggered a Lupus flare and that bitch stayed all day and night until this morning. I said enough is enough but it wasn't. I did make it to the kitchen to make a large mug of hot tea and grab some Yule cookies this morning. I know, bad breakfast choices but hey they were oatmeal raisin cookies, okay? Give me a break. I'm trying to survive this shit.
Anywho, I'm at least dressed and moving. David is looking for ugly christmas sweaters online because next Wednesday the office is having an ugly christmas sweater day. David hates anything with long sleeves so he is looking at t-shirts instead. He found a couple of ugly christmas sweater t-shirts and he ordered them. Now we see if they get here in time for next week. he  he he
Lucy has become a walking hazard for me. David went and bought a couple of those nice kitchen floor mats for me. Early Yule presents. The kind that is puffy and feels good under your feet. Well, Lucy is hard to see because the floor mats are black and so is she and I have been tripping over her a lot in the kitchen. She obviously loves the mats because they are warm and cushy. So, I don't look down when I'm moving in the kitchen and Lucy knows she isn't allowed in there until her breakfast and dinner times. She's a good baby girl and she knows better but she also knows comfort is more important to her than mommy and her klutziness. So, now I have to set her straight and read her the riot act everytime I go into the kitchen but like I said, comfort is near and dear to Lucys heart more than my safety. Sometimes I wish. . .*sigh*
Well, it's Thursday and I have a lot of laundry and some cleaning to get to. Y'all have a magical day.


  1. That's a long time to be in pain. Sorry to hear that.
    Don't over do it today.

  2. I'm glad you're starting to feel a bit better now. And I'm with David -- I hate long sleeves too.

  3. noting wrong with oatmeal raisin cookies and tea - breakfast of champions! I like the ugly t-shirt. and nyla & gigi have stuck close by me the past few days; I have lymph edema and am being treated by a new MD. mommy has been in pain and they know it. it's all about the comfort.

  4. Lucy is adorable...those eyes! Our furries are more interested in comfort than anything as well. Cookies for breakfast are just fine to me! :) Raisins are good for you and so is oatmeal! :)

  5. glad you're feeling better. maybe give Lucy her own mat just outside the kitchen door so she can see you.

  6. Cookies in the morning are fine; STRESSED is DESSERTS when spelled backwards - so that must have a special meaning for relieving stress.
    the Ol'Buzzard
