
Tuesday, January 7, 2020

It's Tuesday Y'all

Okay, my back is dying. So is the rest of my body but that is beside the point. I made my oatmeal raisin cookies that David has decided that he likes better than my chocolate chip cookies and they're healthier too. I also made the cowboy cookies which David took two dozen to work with him this morning and I hope he was sharing them. Now let me tell you something about these cowboy cookies. 
First off, when you are baking them, you have to take them out of the oven when the outside rim of the cookies are lightly browned. Then let them cool on the cookie sheets for about a full three minutes otherwise they fall apart. They are very delicate when hot. They will crumble into a heap of hot mess. So you need to let them cool a bit. Eating these cowboy cookies is next to being in cookie heaven. Jeeze I think I just had a cookiegasm. I mean to tell you these are like eating every cookie you have ever made all rolled up into one and they are so soft and chewy too. YES! They are that fucking good. So go make them if you get the chance before winter is over. They're fucking great cookies.
David survived his first day back at work quite nicely. He didn't bother me all night after he got home. I think he was watching something on Netflix. He came to bed earlier than he usually does. He must have been more tired than he let on because he fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. I know because I was layin on my heating pad in bed reading. The man was out cold. Poor sweetheart.
I have some more laundry to do since I didn't do any last week and I still have some cowboy cookie dough and oatmeal raisin cookie dough to bake up. So, all y'all have a magical day.


  1. If I had 2 doz cowboy cookies, I wouldn't share them at work. I'd hide them all in my desk.

  2. When I make the baked fudge recipe.....the hubbies eyes roll back and start to flutter. Ya know it's good then.

    The cookies sound good.

  3. I could go for a cookiegasm! Those cowboy cookies sound wonderful, I could eat a few for breakfast! Sleep is escaping me lately - hot flashes and night sweats, ugh! Despite menopause, I'd still rather be a woman than a man lol! :)

  4. cookiegasms are (most times) better than real orgasms.

  5. I always suspected there were zombies in the mist.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  6. I just wish you had posted the cookie recipe before I started back on Keto. Maybe I can make them for Valentines. I will probably go off a day or two then.

  7. Yum - those cookies sound good. Recipe printed and ingredients added to shopping list!
