
Sunday, February 16, 2020

Religion in a Nutshell


  1. Gods always share the prejudices and obsessions of the humans who create them -- else why bother to create them?

    A god would hardly be jealous of non-existent competitors, but priests who want everyone to fear and obey the god they made up (and which they conveniently speak for) would indeed be jealous of those who fear and obey some other god made up by other priests (who conveniently speak for it).

  2. he's the Trump of gods. says he loves you and will make things great for you but never helps and ignores you unless you start saying nice things about some other god or you don't obey his rules and then he punishes you to the extreme. jealous and cruel.

  3. Yes and instead of sending down tornadoes, floods and earthquakes, couldn't he just appear to those people [POOF] and say, "hi there! I'm the real god, I would appreciate it if you would devote yourself to me and not that silly stuff, so okay are we good?" I think most people would wet themselves and change religion fast and everyone could live happily ever after. It's almost like he can't do that because he doesn't exist or something.. strange right?

  4. "He's the Trump of gods" -- right on, ellen abbott! Very astute!

  5. if there is a god, why doesn't he just come and hang out with us? why all the mystery?

  6. I'm glad I'm a pagan..the goddess doesn't give a flying fuck who you worship..and long as you give her something shiny

  7. Religion is chock full of crap that doesn't make logical sense. One really has to brain wash children to believe or they see right through it. It is all about power, privilege and control. I am content without it.
