
Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Tuesday? Already?

It's colder than a witch's . . . well, you know. This morning Lucy didn't want to get out of bed and neither did I. I was perfectly comfortable and warm. But things have to get done today. I put on the TENS and got dressed while that little lazy dog watched. She burrowed back under her pink camo blanket and that is where she stayed. I made some nice hot tea and put some peanut butter on a slice of toast and went into the dining room to check on my plants and I heard the bedroom door hit the door stop and there was this little girl with her blanket draped over her back. I sware if she could talk she would have said, "mommy why did you leave me in there?" Then she proceeded to follow me around the house as I opened the blinds and pulled open drapes. At some point, she lost her blanket so while she was outside doing her biz I backtracked, found it, and draped it over the register heater in the living room By the time she came inside she was shivering. I told her to get off the cold floor and go lay on her part of the sofa which she did and I covered her with her now toasty warm blanket. She is snuggling next to me under her blanket. I expect to hear her start snoring any minute. By then I will finish my tea and get started on the laundry and house cleaning.
David has been coughing since last week Thursday. Every year about this time he gets a nagging cough. It's because of the weather. When it gets warm here in this part of Texas he gets what he calls Spring Fever. It's always in February or March, whenever the weather turns warm. It's because of the mountain cedar and early budding on the neighbor's trash tree(that's what he calls it) not to mention the early budding of our pecan trees. He has to carry around his inhaler and take his meds. Yet he coughs as if he were a chain smoker. I keep joking that he's spreading the coronavirus and he said he doesn't drink beer. Thank the Goddess it only lasts for a couple of weeks.
Well, I have some dusting and vacuuming to do. Y'all have a magical day.


  1. Sweet little Lucy.

    Poor David. A nagging cough is terrible.

  2. lazy little dog lucy is a spoiled rotten lazy little dog! we have had nothing but rain up here and the cold damp weather plays loose & free with my (and spouse's) arthritis. OUCH!

  3. yes! cold here too. it wasn't in my plan for today.

  4. There's nothing worse than allergies! My sympathies to David and his nagging cough. What hilarious memes you found for today's post!

  5. Right chilly here also. I was thinking I'd get out to the yard but ..... no - breezy and 55 doesn't work for me!

  6. put vicks on the bottom of his feet and white socks at night ..for the cough
