
Tuesday, March 10, 2020

It's Tuesday

I listened, Ellen. I went back to bed and stayed there all day yesterday. I'm feeling a little better today although I might go back to bed later. I have to get a few things done today like a load of laundry and clean the kitchen which I have done as of now. The puppies have gone out and they are back inside. I watered the courtyard plants because the rain we were supposed to get never came.  David said we might be having another drought year although we are still in the rain years. I sure hope he's wrong. Texas can't afford to go back into a drought.
I got bored with Netflix and now I'm watching Prime. One series is Hunters with Al Pacino. It's violent as hell but it's good. It's about a band of Nazi hunters during 1977. Some of it is true most of it not. But dayum it's addicting as hell.  
Yesterday, Lucy spent the day sitting at the bottom of the bed. I know for a fact she was worried because the bed was vibrating. She was shaking as she sat on the bed watching me. She refused to lay down next to me. It was like she was worried that I was in bed when I'm usually working around the house. Poor thing. She looked so forlorn so scared. I had to get up and lay her down next to me in order for her to stop all that shaking. I think she finally did by the time I fell asleep. David said that when he came home for lunch she was sitting by the bedroom door shaking so hard that her fur could have fallen off of her. I have no idea why she got up after I consoled her earlier. She's been like this every day since my accident in the kitchen a year and a half ago. I guess I scared her so bad back then. Really, I wish I could stop her from all that worrying.
Okay, I'm rambling on and on. I need to go move some towels into the dryer. It's much too humid to hang anything outside and besides, the sun might not show today. I have shit to do so y'all have a magical day.


  1. Poor little puppy girl. We got your rain.....
    Glad you feel better.

  2. I began Hunter's last night. 3 episodes later I am hooked!

  3. I like that first illustration. lucky for us that we find the asshole every damn day(sarcasm). I have not been feeling well lately; all I want to do is sleep. but I have a full time job that I cannot afford to lose.

  4. Take care Leanna - and when your body, mind and soul say, sit/lay down for a while - it's good to do just that. We all need you - we out here in blog-land and all those at your house!
