
Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Nice Rain Storm

We just had a nice big ol' gully washer of a thunderstorm. Our rain barrels are full to the brim again. My lemon trees are happy and the hydrangeas are happy, everything is happy but the bees. I found a few of them on the patio and they look like they're doing the backstroke in a puddle which is odd because bees know when to hide out during a storm. Anywho, I rescued them and they are drying off in a hanging planter on the back porch. That storm really snuck up on us. Y'all have a magical day.


  1. Goddess bless you for saving those bees!

  2. I wish we could have citrus trees here. I might tempt fate and plant one anyway.

  3. I've been seeing a whole lot of bees the past few days.

  4. I loved that you saved the bees! Your rain was our snow, we got a whopper of a blizzard yesterday!

  5. So the next chance you get would you please shoo the rain this way? Here - overcast, very humid, and maybe 3 drops of rain!

  6. Good for you saving those bees!!! Big Hugs!
