
Thursday, March 12, 2020


I'm back from my appointment with my doctor. All my lab tests were great. Just my White Blood Cell count(WBC) was up as well as my Eosinophils. It's because I was going through a Lupus event at the time my blood was drawn. We talked at length about my immune health and Covid-19 and said from now on because I'm immunocompromised, he would like me to stay at home and not go out except in emergencies. So, he is telling all his patients to get on the Telemed bandwagon. This means all patients will forgo the usual office visit and go live online via computer or smartphone on a secure link at the designated time. He will take patients if they are sick with aches and pains at his office but for the most part, patients like me who are relatively healthy will do the Telemed from now on and only once a year see him in person for a physical. So, that works for me. I'm already staying away from people and I wear surgical gloves if I go out to get groceries or to appointments. Masks won't really help. You will still touch your face and not know it which will infect you. So I'm playing it safe at home.
I came up with something to entertain all y'all for the Friday slot on my blog. It's Hilarious Art History. I'll be featuring 3 art paintings that have been turned into memes. I hope it will make y'all smile or giggle a little during these troubling times ahead. Hey, it's my job. 
Yesterday, Lucy was outside in the courtyard with me as I was watering the lemon trees, hydrangeas, and the morning glory bushes. I still have bees going hog wild for the flowers all over the rosemary. She seems to be drawn to them because of the buzzing. I'm just waiting for her to get stung one day. Yeah, on day soon at the vet's office with her swollen mouth and maybe a reaction to boot. Her curiosity is going to get her hurt, bad.
Well, I have a few things around the house that I need to get done. Y'all stay healthy and safe and have a magical day.


  1. Better safe than sorry.

    Our dance has been cancelled for this weekend.

    Lucy is cute as a button.

    Looking forward to the new meme.

  2. I live a pretty isolated lifestyle because I'm basically anti-social. plus I'm in a small town so I think that helps. stay safe until this passes and until the next virulent virus escapes from the melting ice caps.

  3. Here in Maine we are in Mud Season. Some bare earth is showing through the snow cover in the field behind the house. Day temps range between high thirties to mid fifties and nights dip just below freezing. We won't see spring here for three or fore more weeks - if we don't have a late snow storm. Here in Maine we have Winter, Mud Season, Bug Season and Fall. The Fall and the first snow makes it all worth while.

    Trump underplays the seriousness of this virus - I am sure many down there where you live will deny the danger and flaunt the safety concerns (fake news and a Democrat lie.) I am glad you are taking extra precaution.
    take care
    the Ol'Buzzard
    Oh yes: Like the historic meme

  4. That photo of Lucy reminds me of the old Rin Tin Tin show introduction bit where he's standing up on the cliff or something looking for... something to rescue?

    I'm glad your doctor has come up with a way you don't have to go there, too many sick people no matter in normal times. And now this... of which I won't trust anything from trumpian lackeys until they put REAL science and REAL medical people in charge of dispersing information with no filters.

    Possibly silly question - I know wearing gloves keeps you from getting stuff on your hands, but if you still touch your face... how do they help? Or are they also a reminder (in theory anyway) keep your hands off your face? I can't help but wonder after seeing those hoarder clean up shows and people wearing gloves but still rubbing their face or shoving hair out of the way.

  5. good numbers from the MD - YAYZ!!!!!

    I look forward to your memes, and now a new one for friday! if it's anything like the pix above, it's gonna be a blast!

  6. Yes, stay away from all those germy people! Looking forward to your art history memes!
