
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Tuesday - This and That

Sorry for posting late, I was busy this morning. Over the weekend my step-daughter (Goddess, I love that girl) and her husband came down to visit briefly. They stopped off at Luling City Market and picked up 2 huge bags of sausage links. If you are ever in central Texas you just have to stop off at Luling to see what I mean when I say their sausage links could be traded like gold on the open markets. 
Anywho, we did practiced social distancing and they were here for about 30 minutes. We asked if they needed anything in the way of groceries and they said they were set. But it was nice to see they were doing great. I so wanted to hug them because we hadn't seen them since they left for Europe for winter vacation. Don't worry they've been home since January 3rd.
Since I don't have any doctor's appointments to go to I've been doing a small amount of spring cleaning when I feel up to it. Yesterday, I washed down 3 walls in the kitchen before I started to have pain. Today I finished the cabinets and ceiling. I just have the back door and windows then it's off to the pantry. I still have one more bedroom that we are using as a catch-all, the hallway closets, and the bathroom and then I'll be finished with major cleaning.
David and I have been doing communal shopping. What I mean is we share in the shopping for all neighbors in our area. That's about a few families. If anyone needs something we share until we need to go shopping. It's working quite well and of coarse we observe distance rules. It does suck though when he goes to HEB to get groceries because there are people who haven't gotten the memo about 2 per customer shopping or safe distancing. Those who gripe about it are deniers and are screaming that the government is infringing on our rights. They say that they haven't seen anyone who has gotten sick so it's a hoax. People like that should be shot on the spot. So far we have 14 people that have tested positive for the virus but are confined to their home. That's 14 people in our county, not here in our town. Knock wood.
David will be off for the 4-day weekend for Easter and then the office will start a 4-day workweek. He still has to work because they are a government contractor. He says COVID-19 is a blessing in disguise because the drive to work isn't as bad as it used to be. Everyone is so careful about respecting everyone's distance. I have a feeling all this will change everything in the future for years to come.


  1. teh stoopid dump dick-lickers are starting to catch the virus...bwhahahahaha!

    the dump is worried about his voters dying off...bwhahahahaha!

    the religious freaks are seeing that their magical invisible jeebus won't protect them from covid-19...bwhahahahaha!

    darwin at work.

  2. I'm glad you got to visit your family.

  3. Sounds like you've got a good system going there. How nice to have a safe visit with your step-daughter and husband! It lifts the spirits, doesn't it!

  4. you need to come to West for some great sausage..Nemecek's..or Bernie Nors(locals) and R&R meats..sigh*...I snagged some Nemecek's today..was like winning an award for fastest with grocery cart

  5. more people have now died from the virus than on 9/11. yeah, I don't get the deniers. do they think this is a global conspiracy? no. I don't know anyone who has it yet either but predicting as many as 240,000 deaths IF we do it all right and mitigate it is scary enough for me to follow the rules. I guess when they get sick then they'll believe.

    I miss being able to hug my family and friends.

  6. My daughters call more often but I don't get to see them or my grandchildren. Probably a good thing though that I don't get to see them; I'm not sure I could restrain from hugs. Trips to the store are becoming more stressful rather than less. Some people bull their way through no matter how close they come, some steer away.
