
Thursday, April 2, 2020

The Driving Dogs of New Zealand

This is the full video not just the gif of Porter the dog driving a real Mini that was specially modified for him to drive at a slow enough speed in case of a problem. He did quite well and no there was no one in the car with him. This video was made back in 2012 and posted in December of that year on Youtube. They are in New Zealand and the team took three dogs that were at the SPCA and trained them to drive a modified Mini. I guess it was an experiment to prove dogs CAN drive if you let them but I wouldn't recommend that you do it so please don't. To see the videos about Porter, Ginny, and Monty learning to drive you can go to or learn more about their driving here or here


  1. once again, I think silliness is our only saving grace.

  2. some people have too much time on their hands

  3. Interesting. Why exactly did someone spend that much money, time, and effort do you think.
