
Tuesday, April 21, 2020


I've been feeling like every fucking cold, warm, wet and dry front has come through my area in the last 32 hours. It hurts. Yes. Yes, it does but I'm going to push through this shit to get things done. Otherwise, David would be bothering me every fifteen seconds, "Hon! What temperature do you set the washer on for colored clothes? How much soap do I put in the wash?" And it would go on and on and on until I would just have to shoot him to put him out of my misery. Yes, I know he wants to help me when I feel bad but you know what? If I push through this pain and do it myself I don't have to get up three or four times to see what he is doing before I tell him how to do something. Personally, I'm working on a "How to do it Yourself" book for him in case I croak. It would have laundry, cleaning, and cooking recipes and tips so he could do it himself. 
David is home for good now. He got laid off work along with quite a few others in his office on Thursday last week so things are changing around the house. We are good though. He has paid vacation leave, sick leave, and severance pay that will carry us until September and in October I will be collecting Social Security. We also have a considerable amount in the 401k's that we have hiding in the bank. I was wise to intercede back in 2002 when I joined this circus to pay off the house when we renovated it, his truck and pay cash for my car when I bought it. So there are no bills except utilities and the property tax bill. So we will be fine money-wise. Health insurance is taken care of through Medicare and we have life insurance through our home and car insurance group. So we are pretty damned set. Although I want to try to get extra health insurance to cover us just in case. But we are looking into that.
Great I moved to the sofa, couch, whatever anyone wants to call it, I'm here. I started a load of laundry because I didn't want to do laundry over the weekend. I should have though. Why I never listen to my inner voice I will never know. When I get to moving again I'll vacuum and dust. I was going to go outside and water the courtyard plants but we are expecting rain sometime within the next few hours or is that days? Anywho, I'm putting that off and letting momma nature take care of it for me.
Well, I have laundry to do. All y'all have a magical day. Stay safe and healthy.
NOTE: David got canned. I should have made it clearer, sorry. There is no going back and he is officially retired. I told him not to get a job, just relax and veg out.


  1. Sorry to hear David got laid off although it's good that you're financially sound and can weather it. Is it a situation where he may be called back when times are better? Or is his company gone for good? There's so much uncertainty right now.

  2. Oh boy, your life is really hitting the fan right now!

  3. is there a chance david's job will return? you 2 take care of each other and the puppies.

  4. well, now it is time to enjoy retirement!

  5. Sorry to hear that. But, sounds like y'all are in good shape.

  6. I'm glad you are in good shape. Hope you stay safe!

  7. We have also experienced those same weather fronts - hot, cold, wet, dry, humid. Hard to know what to wear in the morning. Unfortunate that David's job has gone but being financially secure with healthcare is a great big plus. When Michael retired, I never thought about killing him - too hard to dispose of the body. I did think frequently about donating him to Goodwill and take a tax deduction!

  8. I'm sorry to hear about David! It does sound like you two will be ok financially, so that's good! Big Hugs!
